Why Did We Pass Out?

Fainting is a more frequent situation than we imagine. It consists of temporarily losing consciousness, due to insufficient blood supply to the brain. However, do we know why this happens and we pass out?

The truth is that it is a problem that can have multiple causes. It is a situation that tends to resolve itself and the person regains consciousness after a short time. However, it is important to investigate what has caused it, since many times it can be a significant health problem.

The medical term for this is syncope. According to statistics, up to 3% of emergency visits are for this reason. Therefore, in this article we explain why we faint and what to do about it.

Why do we pass out?

When we pass out, what happens is that there is a drop in blood pressure. This decrease causes blood flow to the brain to decrease. If this flow stops for about 6 seconds, it is enough for us to lose consciousness.

Almost 20% of the population has fainted at some time in their life. There are many possible causes of this problem. First of all, it should be noted that the environment is very important.

We often faint from being in a place where there is a crowd of people and the temperatures are high. For example, during a concert. These places are often poorly ventilated, which increases the chance of syncope.

Another common and benign cause is sudden changes in posture. Standing for a long time, or getting up abruptly after lying down, can cause a sudden disturbance in blood flow.

As we have already indicated before, the lack of oxygen is also related to this. Interestingly, if we breathe too fast, the tone of the blood vessels is altered and they narrow, causing less blood to reach the brain.

why did we pass out

Do we pass out from illness?

The truth is that, although there are benign causes for which we faint, like the ones we have just explained, it can also be a symptom of some pathology. For example, from a cardiovascular problem.

It is not uncommon for it to appear due to hypoglycemia. This situation is typical of people with diabetes who are treated with insulin. We even often faint as a result of a psychological disorder, such as anxiety.

It should be noted that states of malnutrition or dehydration can cause it. This is important, for example, in people with anorexia nervosa. Also watch out for people with severe diarrhea, as syncope could be a warning of uncontrolled fluid loss.

Another cause of fainting is seizures. They consist of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Not all seizures manifest with sudden jerks as people think, but often the symptoms are much more subtle.

What to do in this situation?

Ideally, when we pass out, is to find out the cause. If you can relate it to a specific situation, such as heat stroke or panic attack, the priority is to fix that problem.

However, if you do not know why it happened, or even know it, it is best to go to the doctor. Investigation is needed to find the cause of the problem and to verify that there is no underlying disease.

When you feel weak or dizzy, on the verge of passing out, it is important that you try to lie down. Putting your legs up can help blood get to the brain more easily. You can also try sitting with your head between your knees.

When you go to get up, do not do it abruptly, if not progressively. Also, to avoid fainting, it is important to stay hydrated. Similarly, it is recommended to avoid very hot and crowded places.

The truth is that there are people more prone to fainting. Therefore, these tips can be useful to prevent an episode. Likewise, as we have already indicated, it is advisable to always consult a doctor.

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