What Is Industrial Piercing And How Should It Be Cared For?

The industrial piercing is one of the most prominent accessories in recent times because it provides a new style. However, it needs strict care for everything to end successfully.

Appearance is an aspect that people pay a lot of attention to, since from it tastes, feelings of comfort, personality and freedom of expression can be communicated. Thus, over time, accessories such as industrial piercing have been consolidated to enhance aesthetics.

The piercing have been successfully incorporated into the fashion environment to strengthen diversity, highlighting certain areas of the body, customize the image by way of being of each individual and foster originality. Having such a visual intention, one of the most selected places to pierce is the ears.

The industrial piercing is one that is located in the cartilage of the upper part of the ear. Its main characteristic and differentiation from the others is that it is two perforations that become one, due to the fact that they are joined through the same metal bar that passes through the two holes.

What is the procedure for placing the industrial piercing like?

In order not to take risks, take care of integrity and that industrial piercing is a success, a step by step must be taken into account that allows action with planning, preparation and safety.

It is important to note that as long as the process is carried out with a trained professional, everything is simple and takes only a few minutes. The proper procedure for piercing is as follows:

  1. The entire area to be pierced must be disinfected, as well as the jewelry, needles and gloves to be used. This is essential to avoid infections.
  2. Then the two points to be drilled are marked. This is done so that the specialist can advise on the most appropriate places to intervene and the person involved makes the final decision.
  3. A hollow needle is used to fully open the first hole, and the second hole is then pierced with a different needle.
  4. Finally, the two perforations are crossed with an industrial bar and each end is decorated with a round jewel.
Hygiene to place an industrial piercing.

What does the success of the drilling depend on?

Before performing any type of piercing, it is important to be informed about the subject in order to know all the phases of the procedure. Thus, improvisations that affect the final result are avoided.

For the piercing of the industrial piercing to be successful, it is essential that a previous analysis of the ear to be pierced is carried out. For this reason, turning to an expert is essential.

The study is carried out to select the position and the most appropriate angle to pierce in the cartilage of each person, taking into account that all ears have a specific size and shape.

Not taking this phase of the process into account can cause the piercing to be placed in a place that generates discomfort, irritation and frequent pain, which could become a problem. Analysis of the ear to be pierced is also key to selecting a suitable industrial barbell size.

Possibility of infection in an industrial piercing

In all types of piercings, infections can occur due to serious carelessness or not respecting the care recommended by the expert. In the case of industrial piercings, there may be colonization of microorganisms due to its proximity to a greasy area, such as hair.

In addition, the possibility is a little higher because there are two piercings that have to be taken care of. However, with judicious and detailed cleanings any discomfort can be prevented.

Some symptoms of industrial piercing infection can be the following:

  • Heavy bleeding
  • Pus in large quantities.
  • Swelling without improvement.
  • Intense pain.

What to do in case of infection?

The ideal is not to let an infection occur because the upper cartilage is an area that can take longer than usual to heal. This is explained by the lack of a high concentration of blood.

However, if infection does occur, steps can be taken to prevent the situation from progressing and worsening. They are as follows:

  • Clean the area with physiological saline to prevent the infection from continuing.
  • Do not remove the piercing , as if you do, lumps may form in the drilled holes.
  • Apply ice to reduce swelling and redness around the infected area.
  •  Dry the entire area after cleaning. In addition, you must always be careful that there are no residues or any type of dirt.

How to take care of the industrial piercing correctly?

Post-piercing care is key to helping speed up the healing process of each of the holes. In addition, they are necessary to prevent the establishment of some bacteria that would complicate the formation of the new tissue.

This is what you have to do so that the industrial piercing has a good evolution and does not suffer mishaps:

  • Wash the pierced areas 3 times a day. This cleaning can be done with soap and water.
  • Prevent the area from having any type of contact with the hair so that dirt does not get through or grease leaks out.
  • Do not move the jewel. This aspect is key to avoid dirtying the bar.
  • Do not sleep on the piercing , as it could increase inflation and redness.
  • Clean the jewel with physiological saline to prevent dirt from accumulating in it.
  • Do not remove the piercing before it is fully healed. If this happens, serious injuries can be caused.
  • Cleaning cannot be done with alcohol, as it is a counterproductive liquid for the healing process.
  • Carry out a good drying so that no lumps or harmful substances accumulate.
Tools to place an industrial piercing.

Detailed care to protect your new style

There are some final recommendations that can be taken into account to increase the chances of success of the procedure. For example, avoid the use of headphones and articles that generate movement in that area.

Scabs cannot be removed roughly. If this happens, a wound is caused again. Let’s consider that the definitive healing process takes 6 to 12 months. It all depends on each person.

Consulting with the driller for any anomaly is a quick measure of action. This avoids major risks. In case of doubt, let us remember that the jewel can only be removed if the specialist reviews and approves it.

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