Walnut And Chocolate Cake

The chocolate walnut cake is probably one of the most delicious and simple desserts. Its smooth texture and sweet flavor make it an exquisite sweet. The combination of chocolate and nuts is perfect, because in addition to the taste of chocolate, the nuts will give your dessert a lot of texture.

Next we will show you one of the traditional recipes for this delicious nut and chocolate cake as well as some additional tips to make your recipe perfect. It is also quite simple and you do not need a lot of time. Try to do it and then tell us!

Traditional recipe for walnut and chocolate sponge cake

Although this is a dessert that does not require greater culinary skills, you should keep in mind that the baking time is important, so we recommend you keep a close eye on the oven.


  • 2 large eggs.
  • 200 gr of chocolate.
  • 100 g of icing sugar.
  • 100 gr of toasted walnuts.
  • 60 gr of brown sugar.
  • 100 ml grams of sunflower oil.
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • 50 gr of butter.
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract (optional).

chocolate yogurt cake


  • While making the dough, heat the oven to 170 degrees.
  • First, crush the walnuts in a bowl and while melting the chocolate in a double boiler with the brown sugar.
  • Then, when all the chocolate has melted , add the nuts and butter to the mixture and remove the mixture from the heat.
  • In the next place, add the sunflower oil and  add the eggs and vanilla extract and beat well. 
  • Separately, sift the flour and bicarbonate and add it to the previous mixture. Then keep  beating until there are no lumps.
  • Next, put butter on the edges of the container and pour the mixture.
  • Finally,  take it to the oven and leave it for about 45 minutes. Let the cake cook for about 45 minutes.
  • Once it has cooled, sprinkle the icing sugar on top of the cake to make it more beautiful.

pistachio cake

Additional tips

  • The suggested ingredients will be enough to make a dessert for seven people, normally using a 9-inch pan.
  • Remember that the eggs and butter should be at room temperature.
  • To make sure your cake is done, insert the tip of a knife into the cake and  if it comes out clean, it is ready.
  • We recommend removing it from the mold once it has cooled completely, otherwise it could deform. 
  • An exquisite way you have to decorate this cake is for example with liquid chocolate and pieces of nuts. You can also add a few cherries, which will add color and diversity to the cake.

Have you seen how simple this chocolate walnut cake recipe is? Now you just have to follow the steps and get down to work. You’ll love it!

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