Use This Basic Skin Care Routine

When adopting a basic skin care routine, you must take into account the type of skin to adapt the treatment to its characteristics .

Do you follow a basic skincare routine? If not, you should start adopting one, since it is necessary to pay attention to the health of this important organ that is exposed to a wide variety of factors every day.

Keep in mind that with a good basic skin care routine you will not only look good day by day, but you can also prevent premature aging. So, to help you get started, we present a proposal below.

Proposal for a basic skin care routine

Skin care

Step 1: cleanse your skin 1 or 2 times a day

Many people tend to clean their face with soap and water, wet towels, or even just water. However, the ideal is to use specific products, with soft and specialized compositions for the care of the skin type.

In addition to these products, these are some recommendations to keep in mind so that you maintain correct hygiene:

  • You must clean the skin 2 times a day. Make sure one of those times is right after you wake up in the morning, as your body produces the most fat during the night.
  • Do not cleanse your skin more than twice a day, unless necessary (because you sweated excessively or got something stained). If you do, you are overstimulating the sebaceous glands, causing the body to produce even more fat than normal.
  • In case you suffer from dry skin, we advise you to clean your face only once a day. In addition, it is convenient that you use products designed for this type of skin, such as mild cleansing gels.
  • The hands are the perfect instrument to clean the skin. Forget doing it with towels or sponges, as these tend to accumulate excess dirt, cause irritations and make the problem worse.
  • Never stop removing your makeup before bed. In this way, you prevent fat from accumulating and causing wear during the night.

    Step 2: Use a toner after cleansing (optional)

    Once you have removed all the makeup and washed your face with mild soap and water, it is recommended that you apply a toner. This product helps to refresh the skin and close the pores after cleansing, thereby helping to prevent the appearance of bacterial infections.

    • In case you have dry skin, we recommend that you do not use this type of product, since soap or cleanser will be more than enough.
    • On the contrary, if your skin is oily, it would not hurt to apply an astringent tonic, with an alcohol content of 20 to 60%.

    Step 3: moisturize your skin 1 or 2 times a day

    Skin care

    Moisturizing never hurts in a basic skincare routine. Especially after it goes through a cleaning process where you remove almost all of its natural fat.

    Moisturizing your skin after cleaning and applying a toner  helps it stay young for much longer. Similarly, well-hydrated skin is less prone to dryness and acne.

    Although it is good to hydrate your skin, we advise you not to do it excessively (maximum 2 times a day). If not, you could clog pores and promote the appearance of pimples and blemishes.

    Step 4: exfoliate your skin

    Exfoliating treatments help remove dead cells and thus make the skin look younger. In turn, they prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, acne and the appearance of age spots.

    If you decide to do the treatment at home, we recommend the following:

    • Exfoliate right after cleansing. Do this with your fingertips, using gentle circular motions. No need to scrub hard. If you are exfoliating your skin with a towel, make sure it is clean.
    • In case of presenting any adverse reaction, suspend the use of the scrub and consult with the dermatologist.
    • After exfoliating, rinse your face well and apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer.

    Step 5: get a facial massage

    Skin care

    Skin care consists of cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing. However, getting a facial massage, at least once a month, is also a wonderful technique for keeping your skin young.

    The massage will help stimulate blood circulation and help you look radiant. And although you can do it at home on a daily basis, if it is among your possibilities, we recommend that you look for an aesthetic that specializes in facial massages.

    You can not miss daily sun protection

    In a good basic routine for skin care, you cannot miss daily sun protection. It should be noted that instead of applying it directly to freshly washed skin, the ideal is to do it after having applied a light moisturizing lotion. In this way, the skin is adequately protected.

    In the case of skins that have a tendency to dry out, the problem with applying sunscreen directly is that it stops offering the skin the hydration it needs and therefore, it can look dry in a short time.

    As you can see, maintaining a basic skin care routine does not require a complex strategy, but rather, the adoption of small habits that, day after day, are very positive. Ready to get on with it?

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