The Best Homemade Repellants For Mosquitoes

We have all used repellants at some time. However, instead of using those that we can buy and that are full of toxins, we can choose to make our own homemade mosquito repellants.

One of the most horrible things about summer and hot days is mosquitoes. These insects not only annoy you with their buzzing, but they bite you and leave you with hives. They do not distinguish by age, they bite all the same.

Although there are several studies that indicate that mosquitoes bite certain types of people (some say by blood, others, by sweat), it is necessary to avoid that they settle in the home. For this, we can use homemade repellants for mosquitoes.

Homemade mosquito repellants

Next, we will tell you some of the most effective recipes for you to be able to leave out the annoying mosquitoes.

These insects can ruin a quiet night or dinner in the garden. The good thing is that since they are homemade and with natural ingredients, you can use them if you have children or are allergic.

1. Clove repellent

They say that it is the most effective of the homemade repellants for mosquitoes so we recommend that you be the first one you try so that you can check its effectiveness.


  • Baby shampoo.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 30 units of cloves.


  • Make an infusion with the cloves and water.
  • Strain the mixture and add it to the shampoo.
  • Apply the lotion to your skin.

Clove homemade mosquito repellants

2. Eucalyptus repellent

This is another option of homemade repellants for mosquitoes that will help you protect your home and the people who are in it.


  • 250 grams of eucalyptus leaves.
  • 1 liter of water.


  • Let the ingredients boil for 45 minutes.
  • Still hot, pour into damp areas of the house (door and window frames).

    3. Chamomile repellent

    Chamomile is an ingredient that almost everyone has in our home and that can be used to create another of the home remedies for mosquitoes.


    • 250 grams of chamomile flowers.
    • 1 liter of water.


    • Wash the chamomile well.
    • Infuse the ingredients.
    • Rub the solution on your skin every two hours.

    4. Almond repellent


    This quarter of the home remedies for mosquitoes is advisable for babies and children because it is very gentle and effective. They are the favorites of mosquitoes, because they do not know how to defend themselves.


    • 100 ml almond oil.
    • 20 drops of geranium essence.
    • 20 drops of basil essence.


    • Mix the 3 ingredients.
    • Apply them to the skin.

    5. Lavender repellent

    This other one of the home remedies for mosquitoes has a very pleasant smell. If we love lavender, we definitely have to give it a try.


    • 100 ml of lavender oil.
    • Moisturizing cream for the skin.


    • Mix both ingredients.
    • Apply them on the skin.

    6. Citronella repellent

    They say that it is one of the elements that most repels mosquitoes and other insects. Therefore, it is very effective and powerful.

    You can get their oil as a spray, lotion, and wipes to keep insects from bothering you and your family.


    7. Eucalyptus repellent

    Eucalyptus essential oil has a very pleasant aroma and is effective in keeping mosquitoes away.

    Apply to the skin and repeat after 6 hours. You can mix with thyme, pennyroyal, basil and lemon oils to reinforce the benefits.

    Recipe for repellants with oil and alcohol

    Chemicals can be harmful to you and your family’s health. Therefore, natural repellants for mosquitoes are the best option. In addition, it is proven that they are the most effective and above all, economical.

    In this case, we show you a very good and popular recipe to repel mosquitoes, flies, fleas and ticks.


    • 10-25 drops of essential oil (cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus, citronella, castor).
    • 2 tablespoons of oil (olive, sunflower, corn) or 2 tablespoons of alcohol (96 °, vodka).


    • Mix the oils of your choice or take the alcohol.
    • Rub directly onto skin and clothing.
    • Take care that it does not come into contact with the eyes, nose or mouth.
    • Apply every hour if you swim or exercise.
    • Store the repellent container in a cool, dark place.
    • If you want it to be more consistent, add aloe vera.

    Mosquito sucking blood

    Other tips to repel mosquitoes

    There are other recommendations in addition to the homemade mosquito repellants that we have mentioned. Here are some of them that may be of help to you:

    • Place several mint leaves in the yard, garden, or indoors. You can mash them with a few drops of water to release more odor.
    • Always keep a fresh basil plant (you can grow it in a small pot) and place it in the rooms so that mosquitoes do not enter. This aromatic plant is not liked by insects, that is why it is also used in orchards as a “living fence”.
    • Put some water and some chopped garlic cloves in a bowl. Let it marinate for a few hours and pour into a spray. Spray throughout the house, especially on curtains and corners of doors and windows. The sulfur in garlic repels mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and fleas.
    • Consume large amounts of vitamin C per day, especially if you are outdoors. It is soluble and does not accumulate in the body, so you will eliminate more sweat, hated by mosquitoes.
    • Place a glass of vinegar by the window. The strong smell will make no insect want to approach, much less enter.
    • Eat foods rich in B vitamins, like lentils, almonds, and mushrooms.
    • Use bunches of spike or basil as a “mosquito repellent.”
    • Other interesting oils as mosquito repellants are castor, rosemary, pine, verbena, thyme, cloves, geranium, and cedar.

    Now that you know some homemade mosquito repellants and the recommendations already mentioned, we hope that you will put them into practice and that they will help you keep these insects away.

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