The Best And Worst Foods For Teeth

Teeth are sensitive to diet, so what we eat determines their vitality. Find out which foods harm and promote oral health.

Do you want to show off a smile worthy of a toothpaste commercial? Would you like your teeth to be whiter and not suffer from bad breath? Have you ever stopped to think about what are the best or worst foods for your teeth?

Much of those answers could be solved with the following article. Here you will find out which are the best and worst foods for your teeth. In this way, you yourself could consider a healthy diet appropriate to your goals. Keep reading and you will be surprised by everything you can discover!

To have a wonderful smile, you will need to learn how to prevent stains and cavities. Simply brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist at least twice a year is not worth it . You should also eat properly, as food components have a strong impact on teeth.

The 6 best foods for your teeth

If you would like to achieve white and healthy teeth, you should start by adding certain foods for the teeth to your diet, such as those listed below.

1. Sugar-free chewing gum

They can help you keep your teeth cleaner and do not provide sugar, the great friend of cavities. In addition, they usually stimulate the production of saliva, which serves to thoroughly clean and remove the bacteria that lodge between the gums, teeth, molars and tongue.

The ideal would be to opt for mint-flavored gum that will allow you to eliminate bad breath.

2. Water

Water is good for our body, no matter where you look. In the case of oral health, the US National Library of Medicine affirms that this vital liquid helps you eliminate the residues that have remained in the gums and teeth. In addition, it  washes the acid and sugar from the food and contains a mineral that protects the teeth from erosion.

3. Dairy

Milk, cheese, cream, and yogurt can be very good foods for your teeth. This is because they offer you a good amount of calcium to strengthen your bones (and therefore your teeth). But also, dairy is good so that tooth enamel does not stain.

4. Green vegetables

If what we are looking for is a good amount of calcium, then spinach, chard and broccoli cannot be missing in our daily diet. But in addition, these foods promote good digestion, require you to chew several times and help strengthen the gums and jaw.

5. Strawberries

This delicious fruit has malic acid, known for its teeth whitening properties. If you eat strawberries for dessert, try to keep them natural and fresh.

You can also make a very interesting and effective whitening treatment with these little fruits . You simply have to extract the pulp from a strawberry and place it on the toothbrush. Then brush as if you were doing toothpaste. Repeat several times a week.

6. Apple

Eating a raw apple a day is very good for our oral health . It will help you have whiter teeth, just like strawberries. To do this, you just have to bite it with the shell (once you have washed it well) and chew several times on both sides.

The 4 worst foods for teeth

In addition to increasing the intake of foods recommended to improve the health of teeth and mouth in general, it is also advisable to avoid or directly eliminate the following:

1. Citrus fruits

Although oranges, lemons or grapefruits have a large amount of vitamin C, the truth is that they are not good for your teeth. According to the US National Library of Medicine this is because its juice has a high concentration of acid that can erode the enamel of teeth.

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2. Chewy candies

Candy in general is bad for your health because it contains a lot of sugar. In the case of candies, they adhere to the inside of the teeth and do not come off so easily.

This causes a greater production of bacteria that remove tooth enamel, later causing cavities.  Even if the candies are very hard, they can cause breaks or small fissures in teeth and molars.

3. Pickled gherkins

In many places they are known as “pickles” and also include other vegetables that have gone through the same process of macerating with vinegar. Eating pickled gherkins, carrots, peppers, or onions every day wears down your teeth a lot because of the acid they contain.

4. Soft drinks

Carbonated drinks such as soft drinks or industrial juices have a large amount of sugar, even if they are low in calories. They contribute to the formation of cavities and also, they do not quench our thirst, as if water does. The components of soft drinks damage tooth enamel.

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