The 3 Signs That You Really Love That Person

Do you have doubts about how you feel about your partner? Find out which are the main signs that show that a person really feels love.

There are pillars in life that are essential for every human being. One of them is love, which nourishes us and drives us at all levels. However, at certain times you may be flooded with doubts as to whether you really love that person and they love you. It is normal in relationships.

The bonds with others undergo certain changes throughout life. Distance, work, home, children … everything influences. And of course relationships are not the same from one time to another, because each of us also changes from what we have experienced.

Now, how do you know that you still feel the same for the other person?

What if you don’t feel the same as your partner?

Woman thinking about whether she loves her partner

The first step is to fearlessly accept the possibility that what you feel is not love. If you are able to assume that option that could end the relationship, you have already begun to be brave and stop deceiving yourself.

No one is guilty of not feeling the relationship with the same intensity. Sometimes you may want more and you cannot force yourself or force yourself to feel things that are not within you.

Doubting is not bad. There are  stages of further distancing in all couples. But that doesn’t mean it’s the end point, but maybe just a pause.

Don’t feel guilty about reflecting and being more introspective about your feelings. The important thing, whether it is for better or for worse, is to accept the reality of what you feel and not to fool yourself. Take all the time you need to find yourself.

3 signs you really love that person

Here are 3 basic signs to help you clarify your feelings about that person.

1. Love even in thought

A clear indication that you really love that person is when they are in your mind. The memory unites, attracts, evokes and feeds the desire to be together.

Thus, a sign to dispel the doubt about whether you love that person is when you see any detail and think ” sure he would like it or ” we would laugh a lot if we saw it together “.

If, on the contrary, you think about being with another person or constantly remember your previous partners, it is time to reflect. Sometimes there are circumstances from the past that were not resolved, other expectations too high or sometimes a fear of not being that leads us to start a relationship with another person that is not based on love.

2. Your partner empowers you, it does not subtract you

Feeling understood, free and at ease are signs that indicate that the other is committed to you and your relationship and that in turn you are comfortable and feel that sense of security. Empathy and respect are fundamental attitudes for love to flow and continue to grow. 

At times, difficulties or differences of opinions may arise, it is true, but if you still try to understand each other and reach a solution or negotiation together, it is a good sign. The important thing in the end is that you accept each other. 

With love comes a tendency to be better people and to evolve both individually and as a whole. For example, the desire to undertake new projects, the illusion of decorating your house, going to dinner at your favorite restaurant or walking or traveling together are signs that there is real love.

3. There is trust in the other

The damage that jealousy can cause in a partner is devastating. Faced with mistrust, you must stop to think. Do you really have reason to be jealous or is it something that is only in your mind and arises from your wounds?

Reason and rationalize how you feel. A loving couple trusts the other and knows that, despite the past, there will be no cheating or infidelity.

Couple looking into each other's eyes

Real love is real, not a fantasy

It may seem like an obvious statement to you, but it is not. Real love, true love, goes through good and bad phases. You have the right to have doubts about whether you love that person, to experience ups and downs, and sometimes even to be attracted to others.

Love is not a faultless feeling, as in the movies. There are many types of relationships and many ways of loving. The important thing is to respect the other, feel full and happy by their side and speak when difficulties arise. These are the main signs that will show you that what you feel is love.

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