Stretch Marks, How To Improve Your Appearance In A Natural Way

Stretch marks are alterations in the skin, with varied aspects and causes. Know what they are, why they appear and how to treat them naturally.

Stretch marks are a problem for many people. What’s more, they are not exclusive to women, but men also suffer from them.

Stretch marks are seen as  a group of irregular lines and of different shades on the skin.

Although they are not painful or harmful, some people may feel distressed by how their skin looks. Their self-esteem can even be  affected and they avoid exposing their body in public (swimming pools, beach, etc.).

Types of stretch marks

Stretch marks vary in their appearance and shape, depending on how long you have had them, what caused them, where they are located and the type of skin, according to this study carried out by the pharmacist Ana Ayala. They can be in a specific area or cover a wide surface of the body.

They usually include:

  • Pink, red, black, blue, or purple spots, or bright spots that fade to a lighter color
  • Sunken lines on the skin
  • Spots on the abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks, or thighs

    What causes stretch marks

    There are different factors that influence the appearance of stretch marks, some of them are controllable and others cannot be changed, such as genetic factors.

    The diagnosis of stretch marks is made through a medical examination of the skin and a review of the medical history.

    Some factors increase your chances of getting stretch marks, including:

    • To be a woman
    • Personal or family history of stretch marks
    • Pregnancy, as stated in this study carried out by the 12 de Octubre University Hospital (Madrid).
    • Overweight or obese
    • Rapid weight gain and loss
    • Take corticosteroids, as stated in this research carried out by the Autonomous University of Guerrero (Mexico).
    • Breast augmentation surgery
    • Cushing syndrome and other genetic disorders

    stretch marks with magnifying glass

    Read also What to do with the excess skin that remains when losing weight 

    Natural ways to treat stretch marks

    Stretch marks don’t actually require medical treatment. They do not cause harm and often fade over time. However, treatment is sometimes sought for an aesthetic issue.

    In that case, you should know that the treatments are partially effective, and may not eliminate them completely, although they can attenuate them.

    That depends, in part, on the time elapsed since its appearance, and the type of skin. For example, if they are of more recent appearance and reddish tone, or more long-lived white. The reddish ones are easier to attenuate.

    Currently there are medical treatments to treat stretch marks, according to the Mayo Clinic in this report. But, here we offer you some natural, simpler and cheaper alternatives that can complement them.

    1. Lemon and olive oil

    olive oil and lemon for stretch marks

    Lemon is a very popular citrus fruit in the world due to its medical and aesthetic effects, mainly due to citric acid, one of the main components of lemon. This is anti-inflammatory, according to this study carried out by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

    Also  olive oil is a beneficial ingredient for skin health, because vitamin E, an essential nutrient for the dermis; in turn, according to this study carried out by account, it has powerful anti-inflammatory and nutritional properties.

    Used together, these ingredients become a great alternative, not only to reduce stretch marks, but to leave the skin in radiant condition.


    • ½ lemon
    • 10 drops of extra virgin olive oil


    • Rub the lemon in the area where the stretch marks are found, on the part of the lemon pulp.
    • Then, perform a circular massage for an estimated time of 10 minutes, gently squeezing the lemon.
    • Wait 10 more minutes
    • Next, massage the extra virgin olive oil until it is absorbed by the skin.

    Also read 5 citrus scrubs to fight impurities and treat the skin

    2. Red grapes

    Grapes are generally intended for consumption. However, they are also healthy for the skin.

    Grape peel contains  powerful antioxidants, according to this study from the University of Sonora (Mexico)  that can help improve the appearance of the skin and thereby reduce stretch marks.


    • 10 red grapes
    • 1 cup of plain yogurt (200 g)

    Preparation and application

    • Crush the grapes, without removing the peel or the seeds, and reserve
    • Then add the cup of natural yogurt to the grapes and mix well
    • Apply the mixture on the stretch marks using a circular massage
    • Let it act for 20 minutes
    • Finally, rinse with cold water.

      The best way to reduce your chance of stretch marks is to maintain a healthy weight. During pregnancy, weight gain is temporary. So eat right, exercise, and work with your doctor to avoid exaggerated weight gain. Thus, you will not only avoid stretch marks but it will also be healthy for you and your baby.

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