Should We Use Natural Skin Care Products?

Although they may take longer to show results, by using natural skin care products we will be less exposed to possible allergic reactions.

Taking care of the skin is necessary. Perhaps we focus on other areas of the body and neglect one of the most important, the one in which the weather has a direct impact. Natural cosmetics have gained market space over the years.

And is that the use of natural products usually has a positive impact not only on our body, but also for the environment.

The passage of time rages and, although there is no way to stop it, it is one of the natural enemies of the skin. Although wrinkles, among other situations, become something natural, they can be delayed thanks to their appearance with the application of certain treatments.

Reduces harsh chemicals

Large industries and brands have been in charge of presenting products in favor of helping the skin. However, not all of them succeed.

Among the many that we can find in the market, there are several that create an opposite effect that directly affects the areas in which they are applied.

Due to their manufacture and treatment, some contain chemicals that turn out to be toxic to the body, and cause some side effects. These hygiene products have such an impact that they often lead to allergies.

Patience as a great ally


The world of cosmetics has gradually made its way to a series of new elements with natural components, treatments recommended by dermatologists.

These alternatives are as comfortable as those already known and previously tested, but with better results. Its advantages begin to be seen in the medium and long term.

Help products found at home

There are several options that allow to end the purchase of items with toxic ingredients, in addition to becoming a positive ally for our pocket. Here are some of them:


Banana and coconut oil mask

Not only the peel is considered positive for the treatment of the skin. The fruit is ideal for regenerating cells, hydrating and fighting dark circles.

Green Tea

Perfect for acne skin. Its mixture with lemon juice has become one of the main home remedies against these problems. By containing antioxidants, it boosts cell activity.



Its fruit, normally used as a mask, is very helpful to avoid dryness. It is usually used with oatmeal.

Olive oil, a great ally for the skin

It manages to exfoliate the skin, also fighting dryness. Its optimal use occurs when it is mixed with sugar in addition to cold water. It is applied by massaging the area.



Although it is recommended to use it together with another series of elements, it is not counterproductive if it is applied pure on the area. In this case, the subsequent task is to remove it completely with plenty of water.


Ideal against dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. This fruit has anti-inflammatory properties, in addition to being exfoliating due to its texture. Tones the face and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, it bleaches and maintains the shine in the area where it is applied.

Water as the main element

This vital liquid will always be of help. Its simple use is also beneficial for the skin. It is mandatory to keep the skin hydrated to maintain its elasticity.

Applying water to the body from time to time, especially cold, becomes a positive treatment, as it helps reduce inflammation and produce a calming effect.

As a main point there is also cleanliness. Maintaining a daily hygiene routine helps to remove dirt and remove particles that accumulate on the surface.

A good bath not only does that, but it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Also, because it is something delicate, its refreshing action prevents the heat from affecting different areas.

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