Refreshing Cucumber And Aloe Vera Gel To Soothe Tired Eyes And Legs

The refreshing cucumber and aloe vera gel is a natural product that, due to its moisturizing and repairing qualities, represents a good solution against tired eyes and legs.

They are characterized by their high content of water and antioxidant substances that reduce the negative effects of free radicals on the skin to prevent aging. Beyond these qualities, both have anti-inflammatory and toning agents.

Its advantage over other types of products is that this gel  is easily absorbed and immediately generates a soothing effect on the skin.

As if that were not enough, it is an alternative remedy against sunburn and other types of skin lesions.

Despite the fact that there are already several presentations of this product on the market, today we want to propose the recipe to prepare it 100% natural. Here we give you in detail the properties of its ingredients and the simple steps to make it at home. Take note!

What are the properties of the refreshing cucumber and aloe vera gel?

Cucumber and aloe vera gel is a useful remedy against puffiness and dark circles that form  due to fluid retention, poor sleep quality, and some diseases.

Its moisturizing power reduces excess dryness and promotes oxygenation of cells to give a renewed appearance to the skin.

On the other hand, thanks to its anti-inflammatory power it calms the feeling of fatigue in the legs and reduces circulation problems that cause varicose veins and spider veins.

Cucumber properties

Cucumber is a vegetable well known throughout the world for its refreshing power. It is made up of more than 90% water and is a natural source of vitamins A, C, E and the B complex.

Its natural extracts and antioxidant compounds are being used by the cosmetic industry to make various skin care products.

In addition, it contains essential minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron that protect against flaccidity and cell damage.

Aloe vera properties

aloe vera

The pulp of aloe vera is a substance made up of water and more than 19 types of amino acids. It has fungicidal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are used as restorative for healthy and youthful skin.

Its vitamins, minerals and natural sugars help retain moisture and boost cell activity for total regeneration.

It is useful against ailments related to inflammation, since it improves blood circulation for adequate oxygenation and absorption of nutrients.

How to prepare this refreshing cucumber and aloe vera gel?

The natural cucumber and aloe vera gel is obtained from the combination of both ingredients, in addition to a little vitamin E.  The latter acts as a preservative to keep the product in good condition.

The resulting product is useful for calming tired feet and legs, relieving superficial burns and reducing the appearance of puffy eyes.


  • ΒΌ cucumber (50 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel (90 g)
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 1 glass jar


  • Peel the cucumber, cut it into several slices and blend it in the blender with the fresh aloe vera gel.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, add the vitamin E and beat for a few more seconds.
  • Pour the product into a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator.

Application mode

  • Put some gel on your hands and gently massage your legs in an upward direction.
  • For the eyes, apply a small amount to the inflamed area.
  • In case of burns, let it cool in the fridge and apply a generous amount to the affected areas.
  • Use it every day as part of your routine.

Go ahead and include it in your daily beauty habits and enjoy its restorative, anti-inflammatory and refreshing action.

Although some of its benefits are not immediately perceived, as the days go by you will notice your legs softer and more hydrated and less tired.

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