Recipe To Relieve Joint Pain

Joint pain is quite common. There is no magic recipe to eliminate these pains, but there is a natural recipe to alleviate them.

Read our simple and homemade recipe that can help you relieve muscle and joint pain in a few days.

Read also Joints: their importance and some supplements 

Recipe with jelly for the joints

The fundamental ingredient in this recipe is gelatin, a well-known and accessible product.

To prepare this recipe you need 150 grams of edible gelatin, preferably unflavored.


  1. Pour 2 teaspoons of gelatin into a quarter cup of cold water
  2. Then let it sit out of the fridge overnight.
  3. The next morning the gelatin will be solid
  4. Consume the gelatin on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.
  5. You can also consume it with a little honey, juice, yogurt or sour cream.

Also read 4 stretches that will help you correct your posture

Why Gelatin Is Good For The Joints

recipe with jelly

According to a study published in the Encyclopedia of Food and Health , gelatin is an insoluble protein obtained by hydrolysis of collagen, a basic structure found in the skin, tendons, bones, and connective tissues of animals.

It contains amino acids that build and repair the supporting structure of the body, its bones, muscles and joints. It also helps regenerate collagen in skin, bones, tendons, cartilage, and ligaments.

Other benefits of gelatin

Although some research has shown beneficial effects, there is not enough scientific evidence to show that it can be a cure for health problems.

  • It does not contain cholesterol or fat.
  • Increases metabolism and helps lose weight.
  • Facilitates the digestion of foods such as meat and dairy.
  • Helps to reduce inflammation of the abdomen.
  • It would help prevent osteoporosis.
  • Provides elasticity and strength to tendons and ligaments.
  • Stimulates hair and nail growth.
  • Contains fluoride that helps maintain tooth enamel.

Remember that before treating pain, you can prevent it with a healthy diet and a routine of exercise and relaxation. 

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