Poor Body Posture And Its Effects On Health

Body posture is not just an aesthetic issue, but poor body posture can affect the health and functioning of the body. Know what are the bad body postures, their consequences and how to improve them.

Body posture is simply how you hold or support your body, whether it is static or moving, sitting or sleeping, walking or lifting.

Posture is not only important for aesthetic reasons, but it plays a very important role in health.

Poor body posture can lead to physical and functional disorders that, if not treated in time, affect the quality of life.

This is confirmed by this research carried out by the Comandante Faustino Pérez University Hospital in Cuba.

Consequently, to help you maintain a good body position, we are going to know the bad postures.

Finally , you will  find suggestions to improve your body posture and, consequently, your health.

Lumbar pain

Low back pain almost always appears when the person sits for a long time, with his back bent, or when he is standing for a long time with the waist “broken”.

It can also appear when carrying something heavy, which generates pressure in various points of the body.

Usually this pain can extend to the buttocks and occasionally to the legs.

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Discomfort in the central area of ​​the back

Back pain in the middle area is common when the person sits with an exaggerated dorsal curve, or when standing for a long time, as stated by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

Poor body posture in this case is usually with the shoulders too far forward or sticking out the belly. 

Neck pain and headache

Neck and headaches are quite common and, in many cases, are due to muscle tension. Some research focuses on the study of the latter, which are called tension headaches.

For example, excessive muscle tension on the cervical joints  when the person stares straight ahead for a long time.

Sometimes  muscle tension is caused by stress , causing, for example, a continuous contraction of the jaw.

Bulging belly

bulging belly body posture

Many people inadvertently  walk or stand “pushing” their pelvis forward.

Aesthetically, this poor body posture causes  the abdominal muscles to move forward  causing the appearance of a paunch or belly, even in thin people.

To avoid this, it is necessary to look for  a good position of the pelvis with respect to the trunk. That is, correctly align the pelvis and spine.

How can poor posture affect your health?

Poor body posture can cause some of the following consequences:

  • Neck, shoulder and back pain
  • Misaligning bones and muscles, and affecting joint movement
  • Wear down the spine, making it more fragile
  • Decrease flexibility and elongation
  • Affect balance and consequently increase the risk of falls and injuries
  • Difficulty digestion and breathing, according to the medical-informative institution of the Library of the United States.

Adopt a correct body posture

Poor body posture increases your risk of injury. Therefore, it is very important to learn to adopt a better body posture at all times.

good body posture

To improve your body posture, here are some key recommendations:

  • Sitting position: The back is straight, the shoulders back and down, and the soles of the feet flat on the floor. Avoid the habit of crossing your legs, as it can alter circulation and cause swollen, more tired legs and varicose veins. In addition, according to a study carried out by the Kangwon National University of South Korea, it could also end up generating scoliosis in the long term. Get up and walk periodically.
  • Standing position:  Erect, the chest up and the abdomen contracted, since the abdominal muscles are what help to stabilize the body. Make sure that the weight of the body is well distributed on both legs, and that the arms hang naturally.
  • When walking:  Keep your head up and your neck upright and avoid looking at the ground, as it can cause neck pain. Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.
  • The tread:  The correct way to step is first with the heel of the foot and then with the tip.
  • When running:  The elbows bent at a right angle so that the movement of the arms accompanies the legs. Avoid the impact that occurs when stepping on the heel.
  • Sleeping position:  To sleep well and avoid ailments, it is better to sleep on your side and with your legs drawn up, since it  keeps the spine in a suitable position. According to a study published in the prestigious Journal of Neuroscience, this would benefit the lymphatic drainage of our Central Nervous System. In addition, the Spanish Association of Otorhinolaryngology ensures that by sleeping on the side we could help  reduce annoying snoring.

With practice you can improve your posture, look and feel better.

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