Nothing Will Ever Be The Same Again

All relationships change over time and there is nothing wrong with this. Change means evolving and finding new ways to experience love.

In every relationship there are problems, although some are more serious than others. However, every problem, every circumstance and experience allows us to move forward or backward. Of course, as time progresses, nothing will ever be the same.

There are those who delude themselves that they can go back. However, the human being always advances and any new experience as a couple will modify the relationship. T odo change, nothing will be what it was and that it’s positive!

Questions to ask ourselves

There are three questions every couple should ask themselves when a problem arises. These questions help to detect if the relationship has a future or, on the contrary, it should be seriously rethought.

Man holding sign with question mark.

1. Do the problems have a solution?

This question is essential and it goes without saying that almost all relationship problems have a solution. The difficulty arises when one of the members of the couple “does not give his arm to twist.”

2. Are you both willing to compromise to overcome this bump?

It is very important that both of you are willing to change or “reorient” the relationship to make it work. If one of the two does not commit, of course the relationship will not improve.

3. Is he the person you want to have by your side in 10 years?

This is a very important question because if you don’t see your partner in the future, something is probably not going very well.

These questions are just a starting point, no matter how positive the answers are. In any case, beware of self-deception! Nothing will ever be the same again, even if you want to. This should be very clear and see it as an opportunity to evolve in the relationship.

Infidelity and self-deception

What are micro-infidelities?

One of the most frequent problems today is infidelity. This almost always undermines trust in the partner and, in many cases, ends up breaking it. The most problematic thing is that sometimes not only the deceit of the unfaithful is present, but also the self-deception of the victim.

Sometimes there is such a dependency that the page of infidelity is turned too quickly, in order to maintain the relationship. However, a situation like this leaves deep traces, which are not easy to overcome, even if someone wants it.

The opposite is also the case: the deceived person believes they are so independent that they do not sufficiently value the weight of the infidelity and decide to move on, as if nothing had happened. Likewise, it happens that minor infidelities end up affecting solid relationships in the extreme.

Whatever the case, two things are certain. One, that an infidelity must be approached thoroughly, with frankness and maturity. Another, that nothing will ever be the same again, which does not mean that it cannot be better. It is not uncommon for an infidelity to set off alarms and lead the couple to overcome pending difficulties.

Everything needs a time, a period to heal … Of course, even if you want to go back in time, it will be impossible. The reality is that nothing will ever be the same again, but it depends on each couple whether it is better or worse.

It is better to move forward than to go back

Man disappointed in his partner for infidelity

At this point, isn’t it better to move forward rather than backward? Wanting the past to return, acting as if nothing had happened is something impossible! We are in continuous change in all aspects of our life.

We need to move forward, learn from everything that happens around us, get to know people even more and, above all, ourselves. You will never finish moving forward, you will do it throughout your life.

Many relationship problems can be solved. But for this it is necessary for both of you to know that something has changed.

Now it is up to you to decide if you want to continue the path that you have chosen together. Of course, being realistic and avoiding wanting everything to be as before.

It is important that as a couple you also go through certain difficulties that put your relationship to the test. Together you must know how to face them, solve them and hold hands to continue advancing as a couple.


If you don’t want this, if you’re not for work, isn’t it better to stop living a lie? Rethink your relationship, if necessary. Nobody is forcing you to be unhappy : that is something you decide yourself.

And you? Do you go forward or backward?

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