Natural Hair Conditioners: Beer, Vinegar And Sea Water

In other articles we have talked about homemade alternatives to conventional shampoo and even nourishing masks. However, we needed to offer natural hair conditioner options that allow us to give hair shine and softness in a very simple and economical way.

In this article we give you three alternatives and explain their properties: beer, apple cider vinegar and sea water.

Advantages of natural hair conditioners

hair conditioners

Conventional conditioners are not intended to care for hair. Rather, to achieve effects that stand out in the short term through silicones and other synthetic substances.

These components give the hair a shinier and smoother look. However, they also damage it progressively and, in addition, they dirty it very easily, so that the result does not usually last more than a day.

On the other hand, natural hair conditioners are ingredients that deeply nourish the hair and leave it clean for longer. We just have to find the right conditioner for our hair type and have a little patience at the beginning, until our hair is cleaned of the chemical residues.

What conditioner do I need?

First of all, we have already used the appropriate shampoo, ideally natural, to thoroughly cleanse the scalp. Next, we will proceed to apply one of these natural hair conditioners.

The function of this product is to give softness and shine, remove frizz, add volume or nourish, depending on our needs. We can choose just one or alternate them according to the time of year and what our hair needs.

However, we should always use conditioner after shampooing. And finally, once or twice a week, we would complete this natural treatment with a mask.



Beer in your hair? It seems like a crazy idea, but its results are surprising and, in addition, it is a suitable conditioner for all types of hair. The effect you will get is that of much more softness and shine, thanks to the fact that beer contains antioxidants, B vitamins and silicon.

How do we apply beer?

  • We will choose a beer without alcohol, to avoid drying our hair.
  • We will open it a while before so that it loses gas and we can keep it in a glass jar in the fridge for more than one use.
  • After rinsing off the shampoo, we will apply the beer to all damp hair and let it act for one or two minutes.
  • After the indicated time we will rinse again with water.

    Apple vinager

    Apple vinager

    Many of our grandmothers, specialists in home remedies, already used vinegar as a conditioner. Apple cider vinegar gives hair a lot of shine, while facilitating detangling and regulating the pH of the scalp, thus preventing problems such as eczema or dandruff.

    Some brands already market specific vinegars for hair, which have had the strong smell removed with some fragrance. However, we can solve that at home by adding a few drops of an essential oil to the vinegar. For example, orange, mint or lavender.

    How do we use it?

    • We will mix one part of apple cider vinegar with three parts of water and we will apply it after shampooing. Then we will rinse off with warm or cold water.
    • If our hair is rather oily we can reduce the proportion of vinegar. On the other hand, if it is very dry we can put half the vinegar and half the water.


    Is your hair normal or rather oily? Are you looking for a conditioner that does not make it more greasy and that at the same time gives you a casual look and volume?

    Well then your conditioner is as simple as seawater. To know if it is your right option, you just have to ask yourself if you like the effect of your hair when you go to the beach.

    Sea water provides a large amount of minerals to your hair. In addition, it regulates the pH, fights eczema and psoriasis and gives it a lot of volume without having to apply other products.

    How should you use it?

    • Put the seawater in a spray can.
    • Apply it to wet or dry hair and massage your scalp a little.
    • No need to clarify.

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