Natural Facial Cleansing In Our Home

The skin is a sensitive organ that covers practically our entire body.

Hence, we must worry about their care not only for aesthetics, but also for a health issue.

This time we will pay special attention to the delicate skin of the face.

You don’t have to go to a fancy salon and use expensive chemicals to treat your skin. You can perform a natural facial cleansing in our home.Woman washing her face.

First, we wash the facial skin with soap and warm water.

Once we have removed all the dirt and surface impurities that adhere during the day, we open the pores well before applying the cleaning masks.

It is a fundamental step to prepare the ground to absorb well the products that we want to apply.

We can heat a saucepan with water and bring it to a boil. We remove it from the heat and add some herb such as lavender, chamomile or green tea. Then we approach until we place our face on the container and cover ourselves with a towel to receive the vapors that it gives off on our face. Between 2 and 5 minutes is enough for the skin to perspire well.

2. Exfoliation or peeling

In this phase, the aim is to remove embedded dead cells from the skin and promote cell regeneration.

It will also help us to eliminate scars, avoid the appearance of scales and promote circulation in the skin.

It should always be done after the face is well cleaned and with open pores, it is not advisable to skip any step. This peeling or exfoliation can be done with different homemade recipes:

Almond peeling

Almonds and their derivatives are very beneficial for the health of the skin. They contain fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E that help keep tissues rejuvenated and hydrated.

To do this treatment, we mix the following ingredients and store them in a very clean glass to apply each time we do this treatment. It can be once a week.

  • ½ cup of sea salt
  • teaspoon pure almond extract
  • ½ cup of coffee beans
  • half a cup of coarse brown sugar
  • ½ cup sweet almond oil

Coconut and chocolate peeling

A combination of coconut oil and chocolate can result in a very beneficial treatment for skin health. Thanks to its concentration of antioxidants and fatty acids, it protects the skin against premature aging. 

Mix the oil well with the sugar and extracts until it becomes the same substance. Then add the cocoa powder and store it in a container for use.

  • ½ cup liquid coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons pure unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 cup of brown sugar
  • ½ teaspoon pure coconut extract
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Lemon and almond peeling

This mixture must be prevented from coming into contact with liquids. Prepare it before washing and stir it with your own fingers before using it.

  • ½ teaspoon lemon zest
  • ½ cup of sea salt
  • ½ cup sweet almond oil

It is important when applying the scrubs, to do it with a gentle circular massage all over the skin of the face exerting a little pressure using an antiseptic makeup pad.

We can let the paste work for about twenty minutes before washing again with warm water.

Right after this step is when we can take advantage of to remove the pimples and blackheads from the skin, it is the only appropriate time to do it if we want to avoid damaging the skin and causing infections.

3. Facial mask

Facial Cleansing

As you can see, not much is needed to prepare a homemade mask, and the great advantage that it is totally natural and without contraindications. It will leave your face soft and beautiful. We will remove the mask with warm water, patting it dry.

4. Close the pores

Green Tea

Once the cleaning is finished, the ideal would be to do something to close the pores and prevent impurities from entering.

It can be achieved by applying ice cold water to the face after melting some ice in it. If the mask had tomato or cucumber, they do that job.

Other products that help tighten pores due to their astringent power are green tea, mint and apple cider juice. We spread them moistening the entire face with a washcloth and wait for it to dry well, before washing the face again with cold water this time.

5. Skin maintenance

Once the facial cleansing is finished and for it to last over time it is important to keep the skin properly hydrated.

For this, it is good to use the most appropriate moisturizer in each case and thus avoid tightness, dryness, itching or aging.

We must hydrate our skin daily, to keep it smooth and soft.

We can also make a homemade anti-wrinkle moisturizer for dry skin.The ingredients are as follows:

  • cucumber puree (25g)
  • distilled water (25g)
  • jojoba oil (25g)
  • grapeseed oil (25g)
  • rose essential oil (25g)

Mix all the ingredients by beating them in a large container, until the oil is very well integrated with the water and the rest of the products. Store in a glass jar and you can start applying it daily to take advantage of its properties from the first day.

It would be advisable to apply it when we leave the bath or shower, that the skin is well clean and the pores are more open to receive its valuable effects.

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