Nasal Strips To Breathe Better: Do You Know Them?

Do you know the benefits of using nasal strips to breathe better? Find out what they are and how to use them in the following article. Too easy!

Nasal strips are known to supposedly help improve breathing during a cold. However, they have many other uses that you may not have discovered yet.

In this article we explain what nasal strips are for, how they are used and who they are recommended for. 

First of all, remember that if you suffer from any type of chronic respiratory problem related to the nasal septum or excess mucus, it is best to go to the ENT before using any supplement.

How do you breathe?

How you breathe

Have you ever wondered how you breathe? Most people do not usually ask this question, unless they have some kind of related disorder. Everyone has caught a cold at some time, but it is not given importance, since the situation is temporary.

But what happens when it becomes chronic? Sometimes breathing is affected by a defect in the nasal septum or by excess mucus.

For these occasions, nasal strips could serve  as adjuvants to alleviate this problem, as suggested by this study by Dr. Giorgio of the Allergy Clinic.

What are nasal strips?

There are two types of nasal strips: internal and external. They are used to open the nostrils instantly and facilitate the entry of air and decongestion

They are formed by two bands or small tubes of flexible and resistant plastic, which allow the opening of the nasal flaps, so that the flow of oxygen that enters the lungs can be increased.

What are the principal uses?

What are they for

Nasal strips are often used to:

  • Improve performance in sport,  according to this research carried out by a team from the University of Bari (Italy).
  • As already mentioned,  as an adjunct to relieve nasal congestion during colds or in episodes of allergy or sinusitis.
  • Avoid or minimize snoring at night, but only if the cause is not sleep apnea, this information from the US National Medical Library suggests .
  • Make breathing easier for people with deviations of the septum or too narrow nostrils. These people normally get used to breathing through the mouth, which in the long term can be harmful, as this study carried out by Dr. Pacheco, from the Las Condes Clinic explains.

Who can use them?

The nasal strips are designed to be applied for short periods, which can range from one to two hours, until the time of night rest. They should not be used for more than 12 hours each day.

They can be used by children over five years of age and adults. However, it is important to use the right measure to be truly effective. They are usually small, medium and large in size.

How can I use them?

How do they work

  • Wipe your nose to remove any traces of moisturizer or makeup. You can use soap and water, or a cleansing toner, especially if you have oily skin. Dry off afterwards.
  • Remove the protective band and place the strip horizontally in the middle of the nose.
  • Press gently so it sticks well.
  • If they are scented strips, rub them occasionally to give off a scent.
  • Remove them slowly and carefully, starting from the ends. Use warm water to remove them more easily.

    Where can they be obtained?

    They can be purchased in hypermarkets, pharmacies and online. They are easy to find, and you can choose the ones you like the most, since some are even menthol. 

    In the same way, you can try different brands and aromas until you find the one that best suits you and your own needs.

    Aspects to consider

    Remember that you should consult with your doctor in the event that the situation becomes chronic. If the congestion lasts over time, it could be due, as mentioned, to a problem in the nasal septum or in the paranasal sinuses. 

    In this case, the ENT will be the one to decide which treatment or intervention is best suited to your needs.

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