Medicinal Plants For Good Bone Health

You should know that there are plants that are of great help to maintain good bone health. It is advisable to take care of the bone system, because it is responsible for giving structure to the human body, it is our support, and also protects vital organs.

Bones need nutrients and care to be healthy and perform their functions properly. The human body is made up of 206 bones that work perfectly with each other to provide support, balance and protection.

You must maintain a balanced diet,  rich in vitamins, such as D, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium or fluoride to have strong bones.

plants that take care of our bones

Plants for good bone health

Next, we will tell you the properties of some of the plants, which provide us with benefits for good bone health.


It is a plant, which is rich in flavonoids, with excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains calcium, potassium, manganese and vitamins C, D and K. Vitamins C and D improve calcium absorption, while vitamin K strengthens bones and helps us have good bone health.

It is used to relieve the symptoms of arthritis because it prevents the wear and tear of cartilage and joints. It can be consumed in different ways such as:

  • In soups and tortillas.
  • In infusion, accompanied by ginger or chamomile.


It has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is also recommended for the treatment of arthritis. Likewise, it is effective in the treatment of bruises or muscle aches,  due to its analgesic and stimulating properties of blood circulation.

It is generally used topically, in the form of creams, gels, or ointments. It is applied 3 times a day on the area to be treated.

arnica and good bone health


Dandelion is a plant that has excellent healing properties, since it is purifying and diuretic. It contains calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and luteolin, which help maintain strong bones.

It also contributes to bone development and prevents osteoporosis. To benefit from its benefits and maintain good bone health, use it as an infusion.

Horse tail

This plant is rich in silicon, which is a component of bones, which makes horsetail, contributes to bone development and strengthening of its tissue. It is a great ally for the prevention of osteoporosis.

In addition, it helps to strengthen cartilage and remineralize bones, allowing bone fractures to heal faster. These properties make it a good resource to help treat joint conditions such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.


Birch is a tree that has multiple properties: cleansing, astringent, diuretic, antifungal, anti-hemorrhagic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Contains flavonoids, vitamin C and minerals,  beneficial for maintaining good bone health.

It can be used as:

  • Birch oil:  to  combat joint and muscle diseases,  soothes pain in bones, tendons, muscles and joints.
  • In infusion:  the anti-inflammatory effect of birch serves to help treat osteoarthritis and arthritis. However, it should not be taken for more than two weeks in a row.

plants for good bone health


It is a plant with anti-inflammatory, diuretic and anticoagulant properties. Its dried flower can be prepared as an infusion to treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis or relieve bone pain. For best results it can be taken 3 times a day.


Known for its culinary uses, this plant also has medicinal properties. It is rich in vitamins A and C, iron, manganese, copper, and calcium.

We can use laurel in the following ways:

  • In infusion: it is used to treat rheumatic diseases.
  • To make  poultices : poultices are made from bay leaves and are used to relieve pain in bones, joints and muscles.

Consider the benefits of these medicinal plants as natural options to maintain good bone health. However, do not forget to visit your doctor regularly, if you are a person prone to osteoporosis.

Remember that  any treatment must always be complemented with a good diet  rich in nutrients and minerals, necessary to strengthen your bones. And of course the practice of physical exercise on a regular basis.

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