Kissing Toads In Hopes Of Finding The Prince

Although it may be incredible to us, fairy tales are still very present in today’s society. It seems that, in matters of love, it is still common that there is hope of finding Prince Charming.

It is quite difficult for us to see the difference between what we have been told and what we have seen in the movies with what really happens in real life.

It is as if we refuse to open our eyes and keep them tightly closed in the hope of finding the prince, that heartthrob for whom we have too many expectations.

The problem is that the princes seem to be nowhere. It is normal! That image is only in our mind, that’s why the people with whom we mate do not respond to our expectations.

The result is that we always end up disappointed.

Kissing toads in an unconscious quest

The hope of finding the perfect prince charming is a fantasy.

Kissing toads is an attitude that many people carry out while hoping to find Prince Charming.

That person who must meet certain requirements:

  • You have to give us your undivided attention.
  • It is perfect.
  • He will not have eyes for anyone other than us.
  • It will be our great support and our savior.
  • It has to make us happy.
  • The relationship with him will be for life.

As we can see, we load that supposed prince with a series of responsibilities that hardly an ordinary person will be able to fulfill.

For this reason, kissing toads becomes a constant. No one can completely please us. All our partners end up disappointing us in some way.

However, we do not realize that this disappointment is caused by ourselves. Because nobody is perfect and hoping to find someone like that will plunge us into constant dissatisfaction.

The hope of finding the prince hurts us

The hope of finding Prince Charming hurts us.

It is true that the hope of finding Prince Charming hurts us. In addition, he also does it to all those toads that we are with, with whom we try and settle until the real prince appears.

Those toads do not deserve that we join them in the expectation that they will transform into a prince. This means that they would have to change their nature and surprise! Nobody changes completely.

This idea has done a lot of damage in couple relationships. Well, many times we enter relationships wanting the other to change or saying to ourselves “we will change it”. A very serious mistake that causes relationships to become toxic, people get very damaged and we are not aware of what we are actually doing.

There are no toads or princes. There are only people with different qualities and characteristics with whom we can have an affinity or not.

The problem here is trying to force and wait for something that won’t come. For it will be impossible to meet our high and totally unrealistic expectations.

The complete acceptance of the other

The hope of finding the prince prevents us from accepting our partner.

By giving up hope of finding the prince, we are not saying that we have to settle for just anyone. Even if we don’t like her very much, even if she doesn’t have everything, we are with her in a relationship.

We have to consciously choose our partners. We must know what our limits are so as not to enter into a relationship with someone that we will not bear in the long term.

If I can’t stand tobacco smoke, or people who smoke, how am I going to get into a relationship with someone who smokes? I will try to guide him, to transform his life in a healthy way … In short, I will try to change him.

The complete acceptance of the other begins from the first moment, from the infatuation phase. All there is is what there will be and we cannot change anything.

We fall in love with people because of who they are, not because of what we expect them to be or because of the expectations we have of them.

The hope of finding the prince is nothing more than a way to fall in love with an ideal that is only in the mind, but that at no time really exists.

Isn’t it time to stop talking about fairy tales and open our eyes to reality?

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