It’s The Little Details That Make The Difference

Ten out of ten people love the little details of every day.  Those who do not need important dates or clichés and who feed a long list of reasons to continue, why to be humble and know the gift of caring for the people we love every day.

Because it’s the little details those that have a greater impact, those that show the greatness of people and those that make us smile huge. And it is that the small is always the most important, because it is what makes us grow and be better every day.

The little details are what really make us fall in love with life


Small details fall in love, because they make a difference and give life the status it deserves, as they are a reflection of the greatness of people and our ability to love constantly and without conditions.

But, in reality,  the lottery touches us every day, in every second and in every little detail. Details like getting up every day and having who we love by our side. Details like a fit of laughter, a conversation until 3 in the morning or the vision of a sunset.

What is truly important and what keeps us alive is the everyday. However, we only realize when something is missing or something fails us. We emphasize this last point because, when something fails us, when we are disappointed, there is also something that is enlivened within us.

Small details make great moments

Enjoy the little details of everyday life

Dieting, going to the gym, or being productive at work are fine as daily goals. However, we must not forget the most important thing: we have to become collectors of emotional moments.

Memories, according to this study by the Autonomous University of Mexico, are stored in our brain for years. A familiar face, sound, or image can be recalled at any later stage.

Because emotional moments are what give us joy in life. To get used to this we can start by keeping an emotional diary with us in which we record if we have had a special moment in which our feelings and emotions are reflected.

After a few days of collecting situations of this type, we will be surprised how we are becoming more attentive with our relationships. Thanks to these efforts we will strengthen our ties with others, since doing it for a while can make a big difference.

Creating a map of love can also help us to be more attentive for close people. Our brain will store that information in such a way that we feel more familiar with the details of the lives of others.


What details should we highlight on the map of love?

Next we are going to show you part of the list that the psychologist John Gottman proposes to us in his different books and that we have to know when preparing this guide of small details:

  • That special person’s favorite dish.
  • Your favorite movies, TV shows, and books.
  • At least two people who they deeply admire.
  • What are your favorite magazines.
  • Your favorite animals.
  • What are your favorite restaurants.
  • Your ideal vacation destination.
  • The first thing they would buy if they won the lottery.
  • Something we could do to improve the relationship we have with him or her.
  • What would he or she want to change about us.
  • What is your favorite way to spend an afternoon at home.
  • What is the activity in which he or she feels most competent.
  • What are the personal improvements you want to make in your life.
  • What kind of literature do you prefer?
  • What are your secret ambitions.
  • What is your favorite hobby when you are sick.
  • What is your ideal birthday gift.
  • What are your current tensions or concerns.
  • What is your favorite way to get our attention.
  • What is your dream without realizing the most desired.
  • What are the reasons why you are most proud of yourself.

Men also like small details

We tend to have the mistaken belief that common men are not interested in small details. Also that they do not appreciate the small or the subtle and that they consider certain things to be a waste of time. But they do, just like women.

That is why we must claim that they also deserve details that excite them, such as unexpected words, kisses or hugs. They too expect surprises, because they too deserve love.

This study carried out by the State University of Campinas (Brazil) emphasizes how society has established specific behavioral parameters that have also alienated men for centuries. Some learned patterns that make us think that a man does not feel, does not love and does not suffer like a woman, something that is clearly a myth.

Whether they are men or women, we must value the people around us every day. A good way to do this is to make a difference with small details, with special care and attention.

It is essential to make the people we love feel special, to show that they have a weight in our lives. Because in everyday life we ​​forget how important it is to show affection and make those around us understand that they are essential for us.

Something that, without a doubt, keeps love fresh.

Notes to the reader

  • If the reader is interested in delving into how to improve communication in their relationships, they can read authors such as John M. Gottman, Antonio Bolines or Joan DeClaire. These readings are very enriching and will help us improve the quality of our relationships.

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