I Like A Married Man

Ideally, the love of your life would be free and able to provide you with the stability and time you deserve. However, the phrase “I like a married man” can come up on some occasions. Below we will tell you what factors influence and how you can get out of the situation.

At times, feelings seem to dominate reason in many aspects of life. There is nothing you can do to go back, but you can try to change your destiny with better measures immediately.

Many women, at some point in their lives, have been able to look at a person who is already engaged or married. It may not go beyond feeling that it is nice to be around him. The problem occurs when the will, self-esteem and freedom are violated.

Why do I like a married man?

Falling in love with a married man is not convenient.

The reasons why a girl is attracted to a married man can be very varied. Here are some factors that can influence you to settle for a relationship in which you are “the other”:

  1. Low self – esteem. The woman feels emotionally unmotivated. Thus, he sees in that person a “something” that comes to fill that void.
  2. Idealization. He has an attractive personality, he is most likely much older and has achieved admirable academic or social status. Thus, project success.
  3. Compassion. He may say things like “I feel misunderstood”, “My marriage is a failure” or “If I had met you before …”. These types of phrases can move the heart of the woman and that she decides to be the lifeline for that “poor man.”
  4. Expectations. The girl does not have a defined life plan and is trapped by the projects he presents to her while she finds “the right moment to fix things.”
  5. Soledad. The woman only wants company. You may have older children, financial stability, bad experiences, and no desire for serious commitment.
  6. Personality. A girl can generate adrenaline that feeling of having the forbidden. He sees the relationship as a game where she has to fight for the trophy. She is attracted to the risk situation.


That you like a married man and accept him with his life package can be accompanied by a series of elements. These, in general, do not bring good news :

  • You will always be in the background. You may be a shadow in their social life and a zero on special dates.
  • You will lose precious time between meeting him, falling in love, listening to his promises and trying to forget him.
  • Hardly a loved one will support your decision. Consequently, you will bring tears to your pillows, anger stuck in your throat, a lot of loneliness and deep isolation.
  • If the truth comes out, you may lose the trust of important family and friends. Also, your reputation may be irretrievably stained.
  • In the remote case that she stays with you, you may never be well seen. In addition, you will always be the cause of the breakdown of a home. What’s more, if you become unfaithful, you must understand the other, because once you were in their place.

    To do?

    Falling in love with a married man is complicated.

    You already did, you already fell in love with a married man and you can’t go back in time. However, you want, at least, not to keep losing it in this vicious circle. You are full of frustrated love, anger, guilt, emptiness, loneliness, and isolation. How to solve it?

    • Analyze with a calm mind how good you feel, where you are going and how you look in a few years. Is this what you wanted for yourself?
    • Short communication with him and avoid situations in which you can meet him. Cry what you have to cry. Better to suffer a little now than sentence yourself to do it forever.
    • There is always a friend willing to guide you. Two heads think much more than one. If possible, seek professional help.
    • Review your personal goals and focus on new life projects.
    • Expand your social circle, attend more meetings, and be aware that there are many more fish in the water.

    Love is made to make us happier and the phrase “I like a married man” is far from leading to happiness. Keep in mind that if you go ahead, it would be a relationship of three, so think twice before doing it.

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