How To Show Off Perfect Feet In Just 15 Minutes

When summer arrives, we all love to be able to show off beautiful feet, without cracks, without calluses and as perfect as possible to wear those attractive sandals that we just bought.

Now, we have to bear in mind that just as we subject our skin and hair to a strict daily beauty and care ritual, it would also be interesting to do the same with our feet.

It does not cost you anything, for example, preparing a relaxing bath once a week, where you can gently exfoliate your feet, or reactivate your circulation with adequate periodic massages, which will do so well to prevent them from swelling or to find relief afterwards. of a long working day.

The feet are something more than that part of our body that we show off in summer. They are our support and that part of our body that suffers so much with inappropriate footwear or after a long day of activity.

In this article we will tell you how you can prepare them to look as attractive as possible in just 15 minutes, but it is vital that you attend and pamper them every day.

They are the support of your steps and those “roots” that bind you to life.

How to show off beautiful feet in 15 minutes

Let’s say you just got home and you have to prepare for an event, for a date or for a simple walk where you decide to put on your sandals and show off your beautiful feet.

What guidelines should we follow to achieve it quickly and effectively?

We invite you to take note of these simple “express” tips:

1. Eliminate calluses and bad smell in 6 minutes

What I need?

  • 30 g of sea salt
  • 30 g olive oil
  • Half avocado
  • 5 ml of peppermint essential oil

How do I prepare it?

  • It is very simple. We start by taking a bowl where we  crush the half avocado to make a very fine paste .
  • Afterwards, we mix the other ingredients in it: sea salt, olive oil and peppermint essential oil. Try to get a very fine cream but with the right texture so that we can massage with it.
    • Second step? Put this homemade cream in the palm of your hand and begin to massage the entire length of the foot, passing through the heels, the sole and the toes.  Try to make it an energetic massage with which to reactivate your circulation and, at the same time, act as an exfoliator thanks to the sea salt.
    • Finally, we will clean our feet with warm water, letting all the avocado cream wash off, and then finish with a good jet of cold water. It’s very relaxing!

    2. Cut your toenails properly


    Toenail care is very important. Wearing very long nails, for example, can cause us injuries to incarnation due to friction with our shoes.

    So, keep in mind that the nails are not only that part of the feet that shine through attractive enamels that combine with sandals, if we do not attend to them, we can get serious infections and even fungi.

    Take note of how you should cut your nails, this will not take you more than 4 or 5 minutes.

    • Cut the nails with suitable scissors or with specific nail clippers for toenails (they will never be the same as the ones we use for the hands).
    • Disinfect the scissors with alcohol and place yourself on a towel in a comfortable place.
    • Start by cutting the nail of the big toe and make it square, never curved. In this way we prevent them from incarnating.
    • Never cut your nails too short.  Remember that the nails have the function of protecting our fingers and our skin, so, if you do it in a very flat way, you may be at risk of infection.
    • File the nails if you need it and, finally, moisten a cotton pad with a few drops of lavender essential oil, with which you will be able to strengthen the nails, protect them from bacteria and promote oxygenation.

      3. Delicate, soft and shiny feet with rosehip oil


      Rosehip essential oil should never be lacking at home. It is very suitable for treating damaged skin, to reduce and treat scars on the skin, as well as cracks, burns, dry skin or very sunburned.

      A study published in 2013 talks about the scientific evidence of this oil during pregnancy, but from here the evidence is rescued that it is being used recently by dermatologists and beauty professionals, with the purpose of hydrating and regenerating damaged skin, then, Let’s think a bit about what might help our feet.

      Now, you can find rosehip essential oil in specialized beauty stores or in herbalists and, although its cost is sometimes somewhat high, the investment is worth it because it is the oil richest in vitamins, minerals and essential trace elements to “restore” and restore the natural beauty of our skin.

      To finish with these “express” tips, just apply about 3 drops to our hands and then start a small massage in the area of ​​the heels and toes, which are undoubtedly those areas most punished.

      In a few seconds, thanks to its composition, rosehip oil will help us to show off much more beautiful, delicate and cared for feet.

      The effect and protection will last you for several hours. Are we starting to apply these simple tips? Enjoy the natural beauty of your feet today!

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