How To Refresh Irritated Eyes With 5 Homemade Solutions

What to do to refresh irritated eyes quickly? There are many causes of irritation to the eyes. However, when we have them  irritated we only want relief and freshness immediately. If we do not succeed, our eyes become red, itchy and create great discomfort.

Discover in this article 5 homemade solutions to refresh irritated eyes in a natural way. With the help of some foods, medicinal plants and simple techniques, you can always have an effective remedy for this eye problem on hand.  

Why do I have sore eyes?

Irritated eyes

Today there are many factors that can cause eye irritation :

  • An unbalanced diet, poor in nutrients and rich in fatty, refined and sugary foods.
  • Lack of hydration, that is, drinking less than one and a half liters of water a day.
  • Environmental pollution.
  • Continuous exposure to the computer, mobile phone and other electronic devices.
  • Eye strain.
  • Use of cosmetics with synthetic ingredients.
  • Certain diseases.

Natural remedies to refresh irritated eyes

1. Cucumber to refresh irritated eyes

We have probably seen some natural treatment in which cucumber slices are placed over the eyes. With this simple remedy we achieve an immediate anti-inflammatory and refreshing effect, as well as being a great antioxidant to prevent wrinkles. This is stated in this study carried out by Gateway Health Alliances (United States).

Cucumber in the eyes is also an effective solution for puffy eyelids and bags. The best times to apply it are when we wake up or at the end of the day. If we spend many hours in front of the computer, we should always have cucumber slices on hand.

2. Potato to refresh irritated eyes

Potato is a solution similar to cucumber. This tuber allows us to provide great hydration not only to the eyes, but to the entire contour. This area of ​​the skin is very delicate. We just have to put a few slices of freshly cut potato over our closed eyes and rest for a few minutes. We could also soak a cotton ball in raw potato juice and gently dab it on the eyelids.

This research from Purdue University supports its anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Eyebright to refresh irritated eyes

Eyebright eye drops for irritated eyes

Eyebright is one of the most popular medicinal plants for treating eye problems. In fact, thanks to its vitamin and mineral content, it effectively prevents and fights:

  • Irritation
  • Redness
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Tearing
  • The bags
  • Styes
  • Blepharitis

The most comfortable and practical way to use eyebright is through eye drops, since nowadays it is easy to find them in any pharmacy or herbalist. Of course, don’t forget to check with your doctor first.

4. Chamomile to refresh irritated eyes

For those who need a quick and home remedy to relieve irritated eyes in a simple way, chamomile is an ideal option.

  • We only have to prepare an infusion with two sachets and let them cool.
  • When they are warm, we will put them on top of our closed eyes and we will remain like that for about 10 minutes.

Chamomile is a plant with anti-inflammatory properties that calms irritation, according to this study from Case Western Reserve University. In addition, it has the great advantage that we always have it at hand. However, if we want to increase the feeling of freshness, we can prepare the infusion and store the bags in the freezer to use them cold.

5. The patting technique to refresh irritated eyes

refresh irritated eyes

Eye gymnastics exists and can be very beneficial in treating some disorders and in preventing vision loss before we have to wear glasses. In addition to practicing all kinds of movements with the eyes, we can also use the patting technique to soothe eye irritation and inflammation. In addition, we will also relax in a few minutes.

How do we do it?

  • We will sit in front of a table.
  • We will rub our hands between them until they warm up.
  • We will rest our elbows on the table and our head on our hands, so that the hollow of the palm of the hand coincides with the eyes. Therefore, the hand does not touch the eyeball, but is the support of the cheekbones and eyebrows.
  • We will close our eyes without pressing the eyelids and we will try to completely relax the eye.
  • We will breathe easy as we relax in the dark.
  • We will feel how all the weight of the muscles that surrounds the eyes is supported by the hand.
  • We will remain in this position between 2 and 5 minutes.
  • If we have cold hands we can rub them again and continue for the necessary time.
  • We can do the patting anytime, anywhere.

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