How To Prepare Coconut Water Kefir

Kefir is a probiotic product that is made from a fermentation process that allows the growth of a series of bacteria beneficial to health.

Its granules have a similar appearance to that of cauliflower, but it is much softer and gelatinous, in addition to having more medicinal properties.

Its main microorganisms are the bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus and the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus , although these may vary depending on the region and the culture method.

The traditional recipe is made with cow’s milk, which acquires a flavor and texture similar to yogurt.

However, it can also be prepared with coconut water. Thus we will obtain a plus of essential minerals in exchange for fewer calories. Next we want to share the preparation method so that you do not stop enjoying its benefits at home.

Coconut water kefir to improve your health

Coconut water kefir is a fermented food that is made with coconut water, without having been heated or processed.

The combination of this dairy probiotic with the electrolytes and nutrients of coconut water provides us with a great ally to promote the well-being of the whole body.

It contains essential minerals such as potassium, sodium and magnesium, necessary for proper cell hydration and proper muscle and brain function. On the other hand, these also promote the proper functioning of the renal system, facilitating the elimination of toxins.

In fact, thanks to its contribution of vitamin E and fatty acids, it is a good supplement to control cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

Its healthy bacteria balance the microbial flora of the intestine, strengthening the defenses and increasing the ability to deal with harmful microorganisms.

How to prepare coconut water kefir?


To enjoy all the benefits of coconut water kefir, you just have to follow a few simple steps that will allow you to make it at home.

Make sure you get the water directly from the coconuts, since commercial presentations do not usually have the same properties.


  • 1 liter of coconut water
  • 100 grams of kefir granules


  • Glass jar


  • Put the kefir granules in a glass jar, then pour in the coconut water.
  • Cover the product and leave it in a cool, dark place for 48 hours.
  • After this period you will notice that the kefir grains have risen to the surface.
  • Pass them through a fine strainer and store the granules in the refrigerator so you can repeat the same operation.
  • Keep the fermented kefir for two days and, after this time, consume it or open the jar to prevent it from exploding due to the accumulation of gases that occur during fermentation.

Consumption mode

  • You can ingest coconut water kefir on its own, or you can combine it with nuts and berries to give it a more pleasant flavor.
  • The ideal is to consume it on an empty stomach so that its nutritional properties act throughout the day.
  • You can also have a small serving in times of fatigue or food anxiety.

To keep in mind!

Kefir benefits

Kefir grains can be reused as many times as desired. Therefore, at the end of making the drink, follow these tips:

  • Take the grains and put them in half a liter of water with two tablespoons of sugar.
  • Let it sit for 2 to 4 days, uncovering it occasionally, and drain.
  • Take out the granules again and combine them one more time with coconut water.

As you can see, making your own coconut water kefir is very beneficial and easy. Buy the ingredients early and follow this simple recipe to start enjoying their properties every day. Although its effects are not immediate, with the days you will begin to feel a healthier organism.

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