How To Correctly Differentiate Headaches?

Differentiating headaches correctly is sometimes not an easy task. Although we sometimes treat headaches and migraines as the same thing, the truth is that their triggers are quite different. Being aware of this will help us resolve these headaches as soon as possible.

What should be clear is what a headache is. A headache can be defined as an intense headache that usually has an emotional or tension origin. This is very important, because here lies the great difference with respect to the rest of the pains.

Headaches are emotional or tension

One way to correctly differentiate headaches is to know that their origin always has to do with an emotion or a stressful situation. Therefore, if we suffer from recurring headaches, it is important that we pay attention and reflect on what happened before it happened.

Woman with headache.

We are not usually aware of many things that happen that can trigger a headache. A high degree of pressure at work that makes us feel stressed or tired due to poor sleep or insufficient rest can be the trigger.

In the event that the headache has an emotional origin, we can think of those people who have obsessive thoughts. If their partner has left them or they have gone through an experience in which their insecurity has exploded, perhaps they are turning to the same thought with no apparent possible exit.

When we turn to a thought that generates a negative emotion, this can lead us to a state of stress and anxiety. Therefore, it can be said that it is really stress that causes headaches.

Health problems can cause headaches

Although the majority of people who suffer from headaches can register their origin in an emotional or tension cause, the truth is that they can appear due to other factors. For example, due to a number of health problems. Imagine that we have been through some kind of infection and our defenses are inevitably down. What may seem so irrelevant to us can trigger a headache.

Power surge can cause a headache.

In the same way, if for whatever reason we suffer from high blood pressure, the moment we suffer a rise in blood pressure, a headache can occur. If we are aware of what is happening to us, a headache can alert us that, for example in this case, our tension has risen above normal.

Watch what we eat to prevent headaches

With all of the above, we can correctly differentiate headaches, however in order to prevent them we must take care of what we eat or our habits. For example, consuming too much coffee, smoking or drinking can cause headaches that have nothing to do with the above reasons.

Headaches can occur at any age, although adolescents are more likely to suffer from them, since they are in a very stressful stage of their life. However, one way to correctly differentiate headaches is to look at their duration and degree of pain.

Duration of headaches

In general, a migraine lasts about 3 days and the pain can become so severe that it can prevent the person from carrying out their daily responsibilities. The person may miss work due to a migraine.

This does not happen with headaches. The fact that it hurts does not prevent us from carrying out our responsibilities. This does not mean that the pain does not last in time, but that it is not disabling for us. Even if our head hurts, we can continue working, for example.


However, it is very rare for a headache to last about 3 days. Its duration is much shorter and it is solved effectively if we solve the reason for the trigger. If it has been stress, relaxing will relieve our headache until within a few minutes it ends up disappearing.

Has it ever been difficult for you to correctly differentiate headaches? Now, with these indications, you will know how to prevent them and the reason why they can arise. Perhaps, with this, you have also realized that, in reality, you do not suffer from headaches, but migraines …

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