How To Cook A Creamier Pasta Without Cream Or Cheese?

It may be difficult for you to cook a creamy pasta without having a good amount of cream among the ingredients. To get the results you are looking for in these types of recipes, it is necessary to add the flavor of other elements that will replace the exceptional contrast of cheese and cream.

However, don’t think that this ingredient substitution means sacrificing flavor. The new elements will leave a taste similar to the “classic” preparation. Therefore, none of your guests will be able to suspect the lack of these two ingredients.

Since pasta is usually one of the foods that everyone chooses at some point, it is always useful to have more resources to prepare it. Since its popularity is not only due to its pleasant flavor, but also to the texture that a good cook knows how to achieve at the exact point of cooking,  the information presented here may help you.

How can I know the perfect point of a good pasta?

How can I know the perfect point of a good pasta

Al dente! That is the definition of a pasta that is at its best, neither raw nor overcooked. But, what if apart from this texture you add a creamy sauce that conquers the most demanding palates?

Without a doubt, it would be about the resizing of an innovative recipe, since it is the creation of a sauce for a creamier pasta – although without cream – and with a flavor similar to cheese, without including it as part of its ingredients.

Use each of the ingredients that we show you below and make this a creamier pasta than you are used to trying. If you succeed, it will become one of the best recipes on your huge list of preferences.

This dish is ideal for the days when you need to celebrate with a fascinating flavor and, above all, different. You will have everything ready to surprise your guests with the good seasoning of your hands and  a dish that will awaken new sensations.

What ingredients are needed?

For the sauce

  • 2 cups of plain plain yogurt (400 gr).
  • ½ cup of mushrooms or champignons (125 gr).
  • 1 branch of parsley.
  • 1 round onion.
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • ¼ cup of soy sauce (62 ml).
  • 1 dash of olive oil.
  • Salt and pepper to taste).

For the pasta

  • 1 bag of pasta of the brand of your choice (500 gr)
  • 1 pinch of salt

Preparation for a creamier pasta


  • On a vegetable cutting board, prepare the onion and garlic cloves, cut into small squares.
  • In a medium saucepan, over low heat, pour the olive oil measure and let it heat for about a minute.
  • Place the onion and garlic that you had cut into the casserole, and fry.
  • When the vegetables have turned transparent, continue the preparation. Add the mushrooms or, failing that, the mushrooms.
  • At the same time, add the measure of soy sauce and proceed to cover the casserole while everything cooks slowly.

Fourth step

  • When the vegetables and mushrooms have cooked enough, turn up the heat. In this way, you will be able to deplete the water distilled by the mushrooms.
  • Add the yogurt to the previous mixture, taking care not to stop stirring, again over low heat. This will prevent it from cutting and losing the creaminess.
  • When all the mixture is very hot, but without allowing it to absorb too much, finish with the special touch of the sauce, adding the sprig of parsley chopped into very small pieces.

Cooking the pasta and finishing touch

  • In a large pot, cook the pasta adding the measure of salt to the water.
  • Once the pasta is al dente, remove it to drain.
  • Mix it with the creamy vegetable and mushroom-based sauce and get ready to feel a texture and flavor that will make your palate fall in love in no time.

As you can see, it is a very simple recipe. It is just a matter of substituting some ingredients and slightly changing the way of preparing, but with nothing from another world. Why not replace your old sauces with this creamier and better textured option?

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