How To “beat” Belly Fat In 7 Steps. Get Started Today!

The fat of the abdomen, in addition to not being aesthetically pleasing, is dangerous. It is important to bear in mind that when a woman’s waist exceeds 89 centimeters it is already an indicator of risk.

Now knowing this, how can I quickly eliminate this problem? First of all, we have to be realistic. Fat cannot be removed locally, so it takes time and dedication. Nor can we forget that each person has a metabolism  and, in addition to that, we must be aware that we are going to have to get involved.

Losing weight requires perseverance and will. So can we do it? Of course. Today in our space we suggest that you start following these simple 7 steps today.

1. Yes to tropical to reduce belly fat

Tropical fruits like pineapple or papaya contain digestive enzymes. In addition to being anti-inflammatory, they allow us to reduce the accumulation of fluids and digest food better.

We cannot forget that good digestion is synonymous with health. Likewise, we take care of the intestines so that they are cleaner and thus promote fat loss.

Ways to consume tropical fruits

  • Consume fresh pineapple in your salads, and combine it with spinach and walnuts.
  • In the morning prepare a salad of fresh papaya and other fruits.
  • Prepare natural pineapple or papaya juices.

2. Purple fruits and vegetables

Purple fruit and vegetables are wonderful for health and weight regulation. They contain antioxidants that have been shown to help prevent the development of complex pathologies. However, it is important that you choose them according to your particularities, knowing if they suit you.

  • The purple fruit contains lutein, zeaxanthin, resveratrol, vitamin C, fiber, flavonoids, ellagic acid, and quercetin. Its nutrients help us reduce bad cholesterol or LDL.
  • They increase the activity of the immune system.
  • They improve digestion and help purify the body.

Grape juice with mint leaves

Among the fruits and vegetables of this tonality we can find the following:

  • Grapes.
  • The Cranberries.
  • Eggplants.
  • Beets.

The latter contain nitrates, compounds capable of improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is stated in a study published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

3. Yes to monounsaturated fats

Monounsaturated fats to reduce belly fat? It may seem contradictory to you but, in fact, these types of fats are essential for health and line.

  • There are healthy fatty acids that allow us to “move” fats to precisely prevent them from accumulating.
  • Monounsaturated fats set in motion a series of mechanisms capable of acting in the abdomen area to break that chain of resistant fats.
  • Omega-3 foods are essential for good health. They take care of the heart and prevent strokes.

Benefits of flax seeds to reduce belly fat

Next, we reflect a series of foods that we can include in our diet:

  • Walnuts.
  • Flax seeds.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salmon.
  • Mackerel.
  • Avocados

It should be borne in mind that these lipids are capable of helping to keep the body’s inflammatory state under control, according to a study published in International Immunology.

4. Eat soluble fiber

Soluble fiber is the one that can help us the most to eliminate fat from the abdomen. Among its properties is that of absorbing water to turn into a gel during digestion.

This slows down the digestive process and makes us full. So, do not hesitate to introduce these foods on a day-to-day basis.

  • Oats, bran, rye …
  • Carrots, leeks, asparagus.

5. Eat a healthy diet.

It is essential when it comes to losing fat that the diet is adequate.

While it is true that it is always best to go to a professional to help us, we can improve our diet a lot by eating more vegetables, enough proteins (around 1g per kilo of weight) and controlling fats and carbohydrates.

In addition, we should avoid eating products such as industrial pastries, products with high fat or refined sugar content and products with a large amount of chemical additives.

6. Walk 30 minutes a day

Walking is an essential exercise that we must practice on a daily basis. In addition to improving heart health, it will allow us to start the metabolism so that burning fat is not so difficult.

7. Exercise frequently

We already know that you have to take care of your diet, consume plenty of water, eliminate food high in trans fats and sugary drinks.

In addition to all these basic guidelines, there is an essential one: exercise. Exercising frequently is the best way to improve body composition. Here we include both aerobic exercise and work with loads, which are very necessary to develop muscle mass.

Remember that dancing, doing yoga and doing simple stretches that involve exercising the abdomen area are also very positive activities.

Improve weight loss habits

As you can see, with these simple steps you can already be on your way to your goal of losing belly fat. Be patient and enjoy the process – making a long-term lifestyle change is the best way to achieve this.

Do you think we start with these 7 steps today?

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