Frostine Shake: Or How To Love Your “perfectly Imperfect” Body

Frostine Shake is one more example of those women who have been able to put aside the offenses, criticisms and humiliations of society to fight for what is essential: the happiness of oneself.

Each of us find our well-being, our balance and our joy of living in a way. In her case, this 30-year-old girl has always found these dimensions through dance.

Throughout his life he has always had a few extra kilos. Indeed, his stout build ran in the family. In fact, despite doing intense physical exercise since she was 6 years old, her figure has never been able to fit into the iron molds that classical dance demands.

The story of Frostine Shake is a beautiful reflection of that inner awakening that, at times, we are forced to exercise.

Because sometimes we just let ourselves be carried away by external opinions. Therefore, this woman ended up deciding that, if she was not made for the world, she would create a world for her. We explain it to you.

Frostine Shake and the Dance of Freedom

Frostine joined dance classes when she was 6 years old. His family did not hesitate for a moment to fulfill his dreams, to give way to that world that had fascinated him since he could remember.

Now, those years were undoubtedly the hardest of his life. At first the center accepted it with the idea that this chubby girl would become more stylized as she grew older. Perhaps puberty would end up taking away a few kilos, perhaps dance exercise and proper lifestyle habits would slim down her waist a bit.

The years passed and Frostine never had the opportunity to be prima ballerina in the school competitions. That girl was always withdrawn, seen with discomfort and irony.

Furthermore, the teachers even expected that she herself would give up and give up the dance.

His was a hard childhood, inhabited by scorn, inconsiderate glances and secret laughter. Adolescence came and Frostine did not lose weight.

However, it was agile, it had great strength, grace and elasticity, although it was not thin. I would never be a classical dancer. So, eventually, they ended up kicking her out.

Frostine shake

The inner metamorphosis

Frostine Shake had known teenagers who, due to the need to fit into the world of ballet, developed behaviors related to eating disorders: stop eating, induce vomiting … They were such dramatic situations that, on the one hand, he felt relief when he left that somewhat dark world.

From the age of 16 when she left classical dance classes until she was 18, she experienced a time of serious personal crisis. She felt lost, torn from what, until then, had been her world and her purpose. Indeed, the dance gave her freedom and happiness.

It was clear to her that she did not want to return to ballet, that changing centers or cities would not improve things. Nor did she want to fall into bulimia. His body was what it was. He was in good health, he felt fine, but there were those extra kilos… What could he do?

If he did not have a place for classical dance, he would find his space within another type of dance. Another modality that allowed her to feel good with her lines, with her shapes, with her hips and with that body of which she was proud.

That’s when Frostine Shake discovered burlesque .


The celebration of one’s own body in the burlesque

There is nothing like discovering a new path where, suddenly, all our dreams, all our projects, illusions and curiosities harmonize.

The burlesque opened the doors to a world that until then Frostine did not know. Here it is not very important whether or not one has a spectacular body. Here the attractiveness, the impudence, the subtlety, the fantasy and the character count.

This woman counted on all these aspects in large numbers. He only needed to refine some details, disciplines in which he was masterfully trained.

She studied theater, singing, became a professional makeup artist and established another type of dance where she turned out to be an artist.

He strives every day to offer art, beauty and, above all, a challenge to all those public who still believe that beauty is in thinness. In fact, today Frostine is a reference on Instagram, where she has 14,000 followers. In addition, he works in theaters and dance halls. However,  above all else, he is happy with what he does.

She is a woman with great curves that she no longer hides. He does not hate his body, he does not want to change it and he takes pride in that beauty that goes hand in hand with health and that also offers freedom and well-being.

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