Find Out How Swimming Helps Improve Health

When someone tells you that swimming is the most complete exercise, believe it. It helps improve physical and mental health, and allows us to become the person we want

The growing fondness for running is overshadowing other sports that are very effective in shaping our silhouette as well as keeping us healthy. One of them is swimming. When swimming, we exercise all parts of the body and in addition, we can train various facets, from endurance to strength.

All this through low-impact routines, since the water gives us a feeling of greater lightness. In this sense, it constitutes an activity suitable for any age and person. Even for those who suffer from muscle or bone problems.

What’s more, it is very beneficial for them, especially if the exercises are adapted to their needs. With this in mind, we want you to know how swimming helps improve health. Do you dare to discover all its benefits?

Reasons why swimming helps improve health

1. Improves blood circulation

Swimming helps improve health

Movement stimulates blood circulation. When we are in the pool, we not only move our arms, but we use both the upper and lower body. In addition, we put into operation parts of the body that we tend to forget in the gym, such as the ankles, the wrists or the fingers and toes.

The case of the feet is very important, since in this area there are more difficulties with blood flow. Here, due to the alignment of the whole body in horizontal, together with the movement itself, the circulation is allowed to flow normally throughout the body.

2. Shape your figure

First of all, with swimming  we do a lot of cardiovascular work. This is very important to burn fat. However, this is not all. We also use force to push the water with our body, so we tone it up.

  • If you want to enhance this result, we recommend that you use tools such as the pull or the table to force some limbs more than others, while walking around the pool.
  • Also, intersperse periods of light swimming with others of maximum intensity. Thanks to the latter, you quickly raise your heart rate and increase fat burning.

3. Reduce stress

swimming helps improve health

Swimming helps improve mental health, because it requires concentration on technique. Like all sports activities, with it we secrete serotonin and eliminate cortisol, pleasure hormones and stress respectively.

However, unlike running, it forces you to be attentive to the execution of the styles you practice, which is a blessing for those who have a tendency to ruminate on thoughts. While in the water, only they and their body exist. The outside world ceases to exist.

4. Relieves muscle tension

This is the direct consequence of the previous one. The hated contractures appear when our muscles are too weak to support our daily tasks.

Therefore, the techniques and routines we do in the water help us to invigorate the muscles, so we will eliminate these tensions or reduce their intensity. However, it is true that there are people whose emotional distress manifests itself in the form of pain in the neck or back. If this is your case, you just have to remember the advantages of swimming to improve this area.

5. Improve your self-esteem

Imagine that moment when you get out of the pool. Free of stress, without pain, watching how every day you sculpt your figure as you want. The satisfaction is incomparable, yes? Think now that it is eight in the morning, you face work with that feeling of fulfillment.

With it, everything is easier: your work and your relationship with your environment. Therefore, when you go to bed, you sleep peacefully. And this is how you build good self-esteem and swimming helps improve health.

The positivity that gives you starting your day physically and psychically well contributes to making everything go better and this helps your self-image to be positive.

As you can see, this is a highly recommended activity, especially if you do it first thing in the morning. Its benefits multiply and put you in a position to enjoy your day, as well as face its difficulties. Do you dare and tell us? There are many of us who are eager to share our experiences when we discover how much swimming helps improve health.

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