Fig And Mascarpone Tart

The fig and mascarpone tart is an unusual dessert, but very tasty. If you are a lover of this fruit, it is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of all its flavor and nutritional value.

Mascarpone is one of the creamiest and most consistent cheeses, slightly sweet. This recipe is simple, but yes, do not overdo eating cakes because they contain large amounts of sugar and fat.

The fig and mascarpone cake requires a medium preparation time, so it is best to prepare it on a day when you do not have many things to do. To optimize the preparation process, the ideal is that you cook the jam first and then the cake.


  • 250 grams of mascarpone cheese
  • 750 grams of peeled figs
  • 150 grams of Phipadelphia cheese
  • 1 glass of liquid cream
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 5 cloves

Preparation of the fig and mascarpone cake

apple pie

It is important for this recipe that the figs do not have a piece of skin, so you must peel them very well. Once you have the peeled fruit, reserve it in a container to use later.

  • Put water in a deep pot to heat and dissolve 170 grams of sugar in it.
  • When it has been combined and everything is liquid, put the figs and cloves, boil everything over medium heat until the figs are undone and a kind of paste forms.
  • Stir occasionally to prevent the content from sticking to the background or burning. This process will take at least 40 minutes so you will need to be patient.
  • When the paste has formed, remove all the cloves, you do not want someone to bite into it, and blend or crush the paste to obtain a compote that you will let cool and reserve in a container.
  • You can advance the cake while the figs are boiled and crumbled, but not before preheating the oven to 180 ° C. The first thing you will do, using a wooden or silicone spoon, is to destroy the cheeses, it will greatly facilitate the process of beating them.
  • Add the sugar and eggs to the bowl where you have the cheese and beat vigorously until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Once you get a foamy and smooth result, add the cream, don’t forget to keep stirring. Sift the cornstarch to avoid lumps and incorporate all the ingredients well.
  • Grease a cake tin, if you use one with a removable ring, it will be easier to unmold. If you don’t have one, you can put baking paper on the greased mold, so you won’t have the slightest inconvenience.
  • Pour your mixture into the mold and put it in the oven for about an hour.
  • Remove the mold from the oven when the cake is ready and let it cool. Do not unmold until the cake is cold, you do not want it to lose its shape.
  • When you have removed the cake from the mold, cover it with the fig jam that you had reserving and let it rest for a few minutes.

Now your fig and mascarpone cake is ready to share and enjoy.

Additional tips

  • This recipe allows any type of cheese, but try to use those that have a very neutral flavor, since those salty or acidic can give it a very robust touch.
  • When the figs are boiling, cover the pot to prevent too much water from evaporating prematurely. When you see that the fruit has begun to unravel, you can uncover it to thicken it.
  • To make it easier to collect the cloves, you can get a sachet to cook herbs. These can be easily bought on the market and are used for this purpose.
  • It is advisable to have the cheeses at room temperature  when starting the preparation, this will make handling easier.
  • For preparations that have gluten, it is better to use a silicone spoon or tongue, as wood is porous and gluten accumulates in it.
  • For the baking process we suggest that after 45 minutes you poke the cake with a stick, if it comes out clean it is because it is ready.

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