Do You Suffer From Gastroesophageal Reflux? Combat It By Following 8 Tips

To avoid gastroesophageal reflux, it is advisable to wear loose clothing that does not compress the stomach, as tight clothing can increase pressure in the area.

Gastroesophageal reflux groups a series of symptoms that are triggered when the acidic juices of the stomach manage to return to the esophagus and the mouth.

In addition, there are many factors that can influence its development. Therefore, below we want to share 8 tips that can help you fight it. Put them into practice!

What is gastroesophageal reflux?

It is described as a burning sensation in the upper abdomen. In addition, this is usually accompanied by chest pain, difficulties swallowing food and heartburn.

It is caused by a weakening or malfunction of the esophageal sphincter. This is a muscular valve whose main function is to keep food and liquids in the stomach.

It is not exactly a disease as such and it usually occurs sporadically. However, it  is important to take some preventive measures. Otherwise, more serious complications could occur that could require surgery.

So today we want to share these tips that can help you improve symptoms:

1. Avoid irritating foods

irritating foods

Poor eating habits are usually the main cause of continuous episodes of gastroesophageal reflux. The consumption of too copious dishes or the wrong combination of foods are triggers of heartburn and irritation in the stomach.

For this reason, to avoid symptoms, according to a study published in Current Opinion in Gastroenterolog and , it is best to limit the consumption of:

  • Stuffed meats.
  • Refined flours.
  • Sweets and pastries.
  • Spicy seasonings.
  • Canned food
  • Foods rich in sodium.

2. Lose weight

Overweight and obese patients are more likely to suffer from gastroesophageal reflux discomfort. As stated in a study published in Gastroenterology , it is important to achieve an adequate state of body composition to reduce the incidence of this problem.

This is because excess weight puts pressure on the stomach. Thus, it often facilitates the return of acid content into the esophagus.

  • Maintaining a healthy and balanced weight facilitates the digestion of food and reduces the tendency to suffer from this problem.

3. Stop smoking

No Smoking

People who smoke cigarettes must give up this habit if they want to control excess acidity in the stomach and esophagus.

The toxins in tobacco have been shown to reduce the production of saliva, a substance that helps counteract acids to prevent heartburn.

These generate dehydration in the mouth and throat. This, later, causes complications due to the presence of acidic substances.

4. Wear comfortable clothes

Although many overlook it, the use of some tight clothing influences the return of acidic stomach juices to the upper part.

Tight pants, belts, and some shirts increase intra-abdominal pressure. Thus, after eating, they can promote the release of gastric contents.

  • Wearing loose clothing or unbuttoning after eating are simple ways to avoid this problem.

5. Adopt good posture

body posture

Body posture during and after meals plays a very important role in the functioning of the digestive system.

This facilitates the movement of food from the mouth to the stomach. Thus, due to the effect of gravity, it helps to keep the acid content where it needs to be.

  • Lying down, or taking an inappropriate position after eating, increases abdominal contractions and promotes the passage of juices into the esophagus.

6. Consume herbal teas

The antacid and digestive properties of some natural ingredients serve as a supplement to prevent and treat the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux.

Thus, these help us to relieve heartburn and avoid the weakening of the sphincter that regulates the passage of acidic fluids.

Therefore, we recommend ingesting infusions of, for example:

  • Mint.
  • Cardamom.
  • Fennel.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Ginger.
  • Lemon.
  • Mustard seeds.
  • Flax seeds.

7. Avoid stress to combat gastroesophageal reflux


Constant exposure to stressful situations is one of the most overlooked causes of acid reflux. In fact, some people think they are unrelated, but actually they have a lot to do with it.

  • Stress triggers nervous reactions that alter some of the processes that take place in the digestive tract. This can lead to difficulties in digesting food.
  • In addition, it increases the secretion of stimulant substances such as adrenaline, associated with increased secretion of acidic juices.

8. Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages

Consuming alcoholic beverages in excess causes irritation to the stomach lining. Thus, in addition to reflux, it can cause other uncomfortable symptoms.

In addition, its toxins make digestion difficult and block the function of the valve that prevents the rise of acidic juices into the mouth.

Improve habits to avoid gastroesophageal reflux

Do you feel a strong burning in the abdomen and throat? If you often have this problem, follow all these tips to keep it under control.

If the symptom persists or appears for no apparent reason, consult your doctor to determine if it is due to a more careful condition.

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