Do You Suffer From Constipation? Include These 5 Changes In Your Breakfast

Many times we go through times when that uncomfortable enemy appears: constipation. Going to the bathroom becomes nothing short of hell; we feel heavy, listless, and low on energy.

Occasional constipation is something common that is sometimes associated with a sedentary lifestyle, certain eating habits and even taking some drugs. However, the problem becomes more serious when it changes to chronic constipation, a problem that affects the female population to a greater degree.

In fact, studies such as the one published in the Journal of the Valencian Society of Digestive Pathology indicate that factors such as the woman’s own anatomy, her hormonal changes, pregnancy or stress determine its appearance to a greater degree.

5 changes in breakfast to avoid constipation

To avoid this problem, the most important thing is to take care of certain habits that will facilitate intestinal transit on a day-to-day basis . Now, when constipation lasts for more than two or three weeks, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

For our part, we propose to start with small changes in breakfast. It is at this first moment of the day when the body is much more receptive to certain foods and small remedies that will speed up the transit.

What is the best fruit for breakfast?

1. Olive oil and lemon

The first proposal is very simple. It involves taking a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice on an empty stomach. According to a study published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition, the use of olive oil could have a beneficial effect in cases of constipation.

It can be combined with lemon, as it is a citrus fruit that contains fiber. Dietary fiber appears to be effective in relieving mild to moderate constipation.

Ingredients and instructions for use

  • We will take half a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with half a tablespoon of lemon juice every morning.
  • Never exceed this dose, or take more than one tablespoon a day. See your doctor if the problem doesn’t go away.

2. Oat flakes or whole wheat bread

Natural oat flakes in a bowl.

We know that in supermarkets there are many options when choosing a type of cereal. Fiber is key to alleviating constipation and we have to choose the best quality.

Keep in mind that many cereals on the market have too much sugar, and the actual fiber content can be laughable. Read the packaging carefully before choosing one.

On the other hand, the best option will be to go natural. Oatmeal or rye bread are good ways to take care of your health and avoid constipation.

3. Aloe vera for constipation

If you have never tried this remedy, now is the best time. Aloe vera has a long history of popular and traditional use. It is used in traditional Indian medicine for constipation, colic, skin conditions, worm infestation, and infections.

Something as simple as taking a natural drink based on aloe vera. Take note of how we should prepare this remedy.


  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g)
  • The juice 2 oranges


  • What we will do first is obtain the juice of the two oranges.
  • Once ready, add the tablespoon of aloe vera gel and dissolve well. If you prefer, instead of oranges you can combine it with a lemon or pear juice or with warm water.
  • In case you have kidney problems, are diabetic, pregnant or have thyroid problems, taking aloe vera will not be appropriate.

4. Kefir, a digestive probiotic

Discover kefir: A natural way to strengthen your defenses!

Kefir is that food that is worth including in breakfasts. It is easy to digest and the most important thing is that it will not hurt us in case of lactose intolerance.

If we combine a little kefir with some natural fruits, we will get a very adequate breakfast to relieve constipation.

5. The best fruits to avoid constipation

The natural and whole fruit will always be the best ally when it comes to avoiding constipation. To take advantage of all its fiber, nothing better than preparing simple salads with various types of fruit. Next, we indicate which are the most suitable to improve intestinal transit:

  • Papaya
  • Pear
  • Strawberries
  • Plum
  • Pineapple
  • Kiwi
  • Grapes (with their skin and their seeds)
  • Figs

Recommendations when avoiding constipation

To conclude, do not hesitate to start your day with a balanced and healthy breakfast. Also, remember to drink enough water throughout the day and take care of the fiber consumption in the rest of the meals of the day.

Do not forget that it is important to see a doctor if the condition does not improve.

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