Diet For Hyperinsulinemia

Insulin is an essential hormone for the body, as it is responsible for regulating blood sugar. However, under certain conditions the body may produce high levels of it and a special diet is needed for hyperinsulinemia.

Regarding this issue, there is not enough knowledge, since in general the population recognizes situations where there is a deficiency of this hormone and not an excess. Therefore, today we tell you more about the diet for hyperinsulinemia.

What is Insulin?

To better understand this disorder, it is necessary to return to notions about insulin. Specifically, this hormone plays a key role in controlling body weight, since it is responsible for regulating glucose.

In fact, the pancreas is the organ in charge of producing it. Based on this, when there are high levels of sugar in the blood, more of the hormone is synthesized to allow the passage of glucose to the tissues. Thus, normal metabolism works. However, when there is hyperproduction, this situation can lead to metabolic alterations.

Glucose measurement.

What is hyperinsulinemia?

So hyperinsulinemia is the term used to describe higher than normal levels of this hormone. Situation that, in addition, can occur due to causes such as insulin resistance, pancreatic tumors or other active neoplasms.

It should be noted that it is not always associated with glucose intolerance, however, over time, it could produce it and progress to diseases such as diabetes. A predisposition to some types of cancers has also been recorded, such as ovarian, breast and colorectal cancers, as stated in the study “Hyperinsulinism: pathophysiology and clinical manifestations in obstetrics and gynecology”.

Diet for hyperinsulinemia

Given the diagnosis of the disease, the possibility of establishing a diet for hyperinsulinemia is considered. This is intended to reverse its effects, so it is likely that nutritional is also combined with medication and complementary methods to decipher the origin.

Diet in hyperinsulinemia plays a key role and this implies a change in eating habits. Thus, experts on the subject recommend basing your diet on natural, healthy and, above all, integral products.

We tell you more details below. Keep in mind that these recommendations are general, so you should consult a nutritionist about your particular case.

Various vegetables

Vegetables are ideal allies for people with metabolic disorders, since in addition to providing vitamins and minerals in considerable quantities, they have fiber, a dietary compound that helps normalize blood glucose levels.

On the other hand, they have a low glycemic index, which means that they do not stimulate the excessive production of insulin. Therefore, they cannot be missing from the diet plan for hyperinsulinemia.

Whole grains and legumes

Something that should be clear is that, in this condition, you have to reduce products that contain excess carbohydrates. However, this does not mean that they are prohibited.

Foods such as brown rice, lentils, chickpeas, oats and all grains that are whole and their flours, have in common that they provide fiber. Therefore, the ideal is to prefer these products, since they do not stimulate an overproduction of insulin.

Nuts and seeds

Both nuts and seeds contain carbohydrates in limited amounts. They provide healthy fats, protein and a considerable amount of fiber. So, including them in the diet is a positive strategy.

Of course, when you eat almonds, walnuts or any dried fruit, keep in mind that they contain lipids, so an excess can lead to weight gain.

Fresh fruits

The consumption of fruits can be an alternative to avoid processed and sugary snacks. The most recommended for people who suffer from hyperinsulinism are those with a low glycemic index, such as apple, pear, melon, cherries and mandarin.

Consider that they are not the only ones allowed and that it is also advisable that you eat them whole and not in juice. Also, keep in mind that you can combine them with foods that contain other nutrients, such as milk or nuts.

Meats, eggs and milk

These foods are a source of protein, therefore, they do not influence the increase in insulin secretion. People with hyperinsulinemia can consume them without problem, as long as they are balanced in their percentage of participation in the daily and monthly plan.

Low glycemic index apples.

Foods advised against in the diet for hyperinsulinemia

As already mentioned, this condition can be accompanied by alterations in glucose, so you have to avoid sugar and all those foods that may contain it. In this case, you have to stay away from the following:

  • Soda and sugary juices.
  • Bakery and pastry products.
  • Jams, jellies, sweets and honey.
  • Ice cream and desserts.

The hyperinsulinemia diet is not miraculous

There are no miracle diets that help to normalize this condition, but you have to change your eating habits based on products that are natural. Similarly, you have to stay away from processed and sugary ones.

At the same time, you have to exercise on a daily basis and maintain an adequate weight. Medical consultations with relative frequency are imposed, especially until an accurate diagnosis of the cause of hyperinsulinemia is established, since as we mentioned, certain tumors can hide behind the disorder.

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