Chronic Low Back Pain

Although we usually associate them with poor posture, low back pain can appear due to many other issues that should be taken into account to solve them before they get worse

Pain  lumbar  chronic are common in both men and middle – aged women. However, it is true that they are increasingly common in people of all ages, including young adults, given the tendency to sedentary lifestyle due to the pace of life in today’s society.

Discover in this article what are the different causes of chronic low back pain, as well as the treatments and natural remedies to treat each case. 


Chronic lumbar pain.

The lumbar is the lowest part of the back, which encompasses the strip that runs from the lats to the base of the spine or sacrum. This part has a natural curvature called lordosis. When this natural curvature looks deformed, a condition called hyperlordosis appears.

The pain that affects the lower back may be related to muscular or vertebral issues. However, it can also be a reflection of the malfunction of an organ, such as the kidneys or the intestine.

While in some cases it is clear that poor posture or the sudden execution of a movement is the origin of the pain, in others, stress and emotional issues are a determining factor.

Kidney problems, a possible cause of the discomfort

To find out if lower back pain is related to the kidneys, place the palms of your open hands in the narrowest area of ​​the waist. The place where the thumbs will be placed is, approximately, the location of these organs.

If when squeezing that area is painful, we may have to resort to a treatment to reduce inflammation of the kidneys. Thus, for example, we can drink plenty of water, soups, broths and infusions with diuretic properties (such as dandelion), if the doctor authorizes it.

Sensitivity to cold and humidity

There are people who, due to metabolic disorders or other reasons, can be very sensitive to cold and humidity, especially when the changes are abrupt. In addition, the lower back are one of the most vulnerable areas to these external agents, along with the joints.

We will protect the lumbar area well with a wool fabric that we will place as a girdle. This fabric is excellent to protect us from the outside temperature and, in addition, it calms pain and provides a pleasant feeling of well-being.

Bad postures and jerky movements

Bad posture

If we observe the fashion models we will realize that they tend to arch the body in an exaggerated way, pushing the lumbar forward in a forced and highly undesirable way.

This poor posture is the cause of many back pain, both in adults and very young people. It is also common in pregnant women due to the extra weight they bear.

To solve bad posture we will do postural reeducation exercises and stretching that allow us to stretch the spine well. Inversion machines are also very beneficial (except for pregnant women).

Intestinal disorders

Intestinal disorders such as constipation, diarrhea or the alternating states of these two imbalances can be reflected in the posterior area, that is, the lumbar.

To solve them, in addition to following the doctor’s instructions, we can resort to natural medicine:

  • Constipation: chia and flax seeds, probiotic supplements, fiber-rich raw fruits and vegetables, and plenty of water between meals.
  • Diarrhea: green tea, white rice, chicken soup with banana, potatoes and carrots.

Stress and emotional issues

Stressed woman in the crowd.

Stress, worries, and emotions can affect physical health in many ways. Therefore, sometimes, when we experience a certain pain or discomfort, the origin may be a concern, such as work, an argument with a partner, or uncertainty about the future.

Although relaxation techniques, mindfulness and stress management can be useful on a day-to-day basis, in some cases cognitive behavioral therapy must be considered, since it allows a more complete approach to the problem and based on it, direct ourselves towards the search for the solution.


Finally, a very common reason for chronic lower back pain is injuries resulting from exercise, accident, bad movement, etc.

All injuries must always be treated from the first moment and in the correct way so that they do not cause us chronic pain.

In the first moment, we will apply cold to calm. Likewise, later it will be much more effective for us to apply local heat with a mat, hot water bottle, cream, etc.

Rest will be key, but without falling into absolute immobility, as this could make the situation worse. About the type of exercises that it would be advisable to perform, we can consult the doctor or the physiotherapist.

As we have seen, beyond the cause, the key so that the problem does not get worse is to consult with the doctor and follow his instructions while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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