Choco-volcano, A Delicious Chocolate Dessert

Like many people, you are surely a fan of chocolate. After all, who doesn’t feel like eating a delicious chocolate dessert on weekdays?

However, it is very common to feel guilt after having tasted some kind of sweet. Although excesses are harmful, we invite you to reassess the case of chocolate.

Since it all depends on the quality of the chocolate we choose to consume, it is not necessary to be excessively strict. For example, the higher the percentage of chocolate, the healthier the piece of chocolate that we have selected will be. On the other hand, the way we combine it is key.

Now, much of the feeling of guilt for eating the odd candy is due to the myths that revolve around them. Especially around chocolate.

No food by itself is harmful. Their poor processing is what can turn them into something harmful. In order to enjoy the benefits they offer, it is necessary to know how to combine them and, of course, prepare them.

Also, you have to take care of the quantities. As nutritious as a food is, overeating can cause an upset stomach at the very least.

Here is a delicious recipe for you to enjoy a delicious chocolate dessert in a balanced and very healthy way.

The choco volcano, a delicious chocolate dessert

pudding, a chocolate dessert

Although health, ideal weight and pleasure seem difficult issues to reconcile, in reality, it is something that can be achieved. Chocolate is one of those foods that does it.

Every day new scientific documents appear that assure how beneficial chocolate is for health. In fact, it is frequently ranked as one of the pleasures that should generate the least sense of guilt.

According to a publication in Harvard Health , dark chocolate is a source of amino acids, antioxidants, minerals and multiple vitamins that greatly benefit the body. Therefore, do chocolate and health go hand in hand? Definitely yes.

Now, to take advantage of all the benefits of this food, you can choose to prepare, in the comfort of your home, a choco-volcano. Sounds juicy and appetizing, right?

The most interesting thing is that you can consume it occasionally without having any regrets. The important thing is that you know how to moderate your portions so that you don’t overdo the calories. Enjoy it!


  • 2 and 1/2 cups of semi-bitter chocolate (250 g).
  • 1/4 cup of brown sugar (150 g).
  • 1 cup of unsalted vegetable margarine (100 g) (You can substitute the margarine for mashed almonds or applesauce)
  • 2 cups of whole wheat flour (200 g).
  • 4 medium eggs (240 g).

Dark chocolate.


  • The first thing you should do is prepare very well all the utensils that you will need and have them available.
  • Once you have reviewed and put each instrument to use where you can manipulate it, you must proceed with preparing the water bath, which will be necessary to melt the semi-bitter chocolate.
  • You must remember that to avoid burning the chocolate, it must be stirred at all times.
  • Then, you must introduce the unsalted margarine into the melted chocolate and continue stirring so that everything mixes perfectly, without lumps.
  • Afterwards, it is time to beat the eggs with the sugar until you notice that everything has dissolved.
  • Right after, it’s time to add the whole wheat flour to the mix. Make sure that the ingredients are well integrated into a homogeneous and thick-textured mixture.
  • Almost to finish, you must mix the two preparations. The one you made with melted chocolate in a double boiler and the one with wheat flour. Make sure they are very well combined. That will be the fill of the volcano.
  • You will need a baking dish, where you will pour the liquid content of the chocolate. Without first forgetting that, you must place a chocolate square in the middle and sink it.
  • Bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200ยบ C.
  • After removing, allow to cool slightly to room temperature.
  • Serve and enjoy this popular and beloved chocolate dessert. You can accompany it with a little matcha tea or a rich infusion. On the other hand, if this type of drink is not your thing, you can accompany it with a glass of lemonade.

What do you think if you prepare this choco-volcano at home? It’s easy and allows you to use healthy ingredients. Of course, always keep in mind that it is a dessert and, therefore, you should not exceed its consumption.

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