Chamomile, Natural Treatment For Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a taboo subject for many people; nobody likes to talk about what happens in such an intimate area of ​​their body. However, in addition to being a common condition, hemorrhoids bring with them a lot of very intense aches and pains, which increase as time passes.

Proper treatment could end the discomfort quickly. So why not talk about it, seek information, and heal?

In that sense, chamomile is a plant that can be found very easily in any garden and has well-known medicinal properties. Among them, the reduction and elimination of hemorrhoids.

In this article,  we suggest some chamomile-based remedies to use as a natural treatment for hemorrhoids.

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins in the rectum and anus become inflamed. It is then that the pads of submucosal tissue that contain the venules and superficial arterioles of the anal canal project outward, giving rise to hemorrhoids or piles.

Under normal conditions, these pads participate in the stool containment mechanism. They are located on the right side wall, the left side and the middle area of ​​the canal.

Hemorrhoids and piles.

There are several causes for the appearance of hemorrhoids;  once they appear, it is very likely that the problem will recur in the future if exposure to the factors that cause its appearance is not avoided.

Factors that can cause hemorrhoids

  • Constipation : the inflammation is caused by compression of the veins of the anal canal.
  • Hereditary factors.
  • Pregnancy: especially in the last weeks. During natural childbirth, exertion also causes inflammation.
  • Aging: the rectal sphincter loses strength.
  • Diarrhea or laxative abuse.
  • Obesity: it is generated by the increase in abdominal pressure on the pelvic floor.
  • Positions held for a long time: Standing or sitting a lot can lead to inflammation.
  • Portal hypertension: due to increased pressure in the portal system.
  • Spicy, spicy or salty foods: these cause inflammation of the intestinal and rectal mucosa.

How to deal with them?

It is precisely the symptoms of hemorrhoids that make them so difficult to bear.  Sometimes, surgery may be necessary by specialist doctors, although symptoms can usually be relieved by natural remedies.

The four chamomile remedies that we are going to describe are easy and very effective. However, first we should be sure that we suffer from this condition, so it is necessary to go to the doctor.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

These are the manifestations of hemorrhoids in those who suffer from it:

  • Severe pain around the anus
  • Blood in the stools. There are other causes of anal bleeding, so it must be combined with other symptoms.
  • Black stools, although some medicines and foods can also cause them.
  • Burning or stinging sensation in the rectum.
  • Constant anal moisture.
  • Stained underwear.
  • Rarely, there may be a bad odor, gas incontinence, and in extreme cases, fecal incontinence.

Woman with pain from hemorrhoids

Now that you know what the symptoms are, you should keep in mind that piles rarely go flat in less than seven days. However, discomfort and pain can be alleviated. Here is a natural treatment for hemorrhoids.

Chamomile: a natural treatment for hemorrhoids

Also known as chamomile, chamomile has multiple healing properties. It is considered a calming of nervous excitement, antispasmodic, tonic, digestive, antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory. 

It is also an excellent natural treatment for hemorrhoids. For that reason, we propose these four chamomile-based remedies; choose the one you want and get cured!

Remedy 1: chamomile and roses

This ointment is very effective, as it helps reduce hemorrhoids. To do this, cook 250 milliliters of wheat germ oil, 10 grams of powdered chamomile and the petals of two roses  for one hour, over low heat.

Then, it is strained using gauze and, after that, it is mixed with 20 grams of beeswax and 20 grams of lanolin. This ointment should be stored in a sterilized jar — with hot boiled water — until cool. Already solid, it is applied on the hemorrhoids daily until the ailment is relieved.

Remedy 2: chamomile oil

Buy a bottle of chamomile oil and apply it directly to the hemorrhoids  until the symptoms of the condition are relieved. It is a simple exit, but generally effective.

Remedy 3: chamomile infusion

This remedy soothes and cools hemorrhoids. It involves taking a chamomile infusion sitz bath. You can prepare it by pouring a handful of flowers in three liters of boiling water and letting them steep for 10 minutes.

Subsequently, this preparation is filtered and mixed with warm bidet water.  The bath should last 15 minutes and should be done daily until you notice improvement.

Chamomile infusion for hemorrhoids.

Remedy 4: chamomile tea

This remedy reduces anal inflammation, stops small bleeding and promotes healing. To prepare it, boil a handful of chamomile leaves in a liter of water for 10 minutes.  Afterwards, let it cool and use it to wash your hemorrhoids until you consider it necessary.

With these remedies, the symptoms would begin to disappear in a period of 2 to 7 days. Also,  the inflammation should be completely relieved in less than a month.

Prevent them from appearing

Although hemorrhoids sometimes appear without warning,  there are some steps we can take to avoid inflammation of the rectum and anus:

  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle. It is advisable to exercise at least three times a week for half an hour to improve blood circulation.
  • Enrich the diet with fruits, vegetables and whole foods.
  • Do not eat very spicy, spicy or fatty foods.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Lose weight.
  • Drink plenty of water to promote blood circulation.

By following these tips, you will contribute not only to fighting hemorrhoids but also to having a healthy life.

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