Can You Speed Up Your Metabolism?

Metabolism is defined as the characteristic that living beings have of being able to chemically change the nature of certain substances. It is a set of biochemical reactions and processes that occur in the body and in cells.

Some of us have trouble playing sports because we tire easily or don’t feel motivated to start incorporating exercise into our daily diet.

The important thing is to have good health and get a body with which we feel comfortable with ourselves. To do this, it will be necessary that we eat a balanced diet and exercise daily. With that we will probably feel better.

Is it possible to speed up our metabolism?

Apparently, the fact that speeding up your metabolism helps you burn more calories and increase weight loss is a common belief. However, most of what is said around this fact are usually just myths.

If you think you may have a slow metabolism, it is best to consult your doctor or a nutritionist. Either way, there are foods and practices that help stimulate the metabolism, but they will not make us lose weight in and of themselves. For this, as we said, it will be important to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

Recommendations to speed up your metabolism

With the following tips you will be able to stimulate weight loss.

Eat a healthy breakfast every day

Healthy breakfast.

Eating a healthy breakfast helps us wake up our metabolism. Including complex carbohydrates with breakfast can be good to keep us full in the morning. Examples of this are oatmeal or whole wheat bread.

However, intermittent fasting is not a bad option to stimulate weight loss either. It currently has evidence and is capable of preventing the appearance of complex pathologies.

Control your trans fat levels

Fat abdomen

It is recommended to consume more foods that are high in protein,  but low in trans fats. You are able to promote inflammatory states and promote fat weight gain, according to a study published in Progress in Lipid Research. 

The above may be the explanation why some people who eat few foods do not lose weight, since they consume little food, but what they consume as such contains many trans-type lipids.

Train on an empty stomach

To walk

Apart from eating breakfast, lunch and dinner; you can add up to 2 more meals a day.

It is advisable to include foods high in fiber in the diet. This substance has been shown to be able to stimulate the feeling of satiety, thus generating a lower risk of snacking unhealthy food between meals.

Drink a lot of water

woman drinking water

Hydrating properly can increase metabolic rate. It should be noted that water is the main means of transport of nutrients within the body. A hydration defect creates serious health problems.

Add spice to increase metabolism

jalapeno pepper

You don’t have to be a cultured person or a gym fanatic. You can lift some weights at home daily, without the exercise being very intense, you will gradually get muscle and this will help you burn fat, and therefore lose weight.

Change habits to increase metabolism

In short, certain foods and exercise could help you speed up your metabolism. Either way, to lose weight you will have to go further: a balanced diet and regular exercise will be necessary for this. In any case, we recommend that you consult a specialist if you are looking to lose weight and do not know how.

Keep in mind that miracle recipes usually do not work and that they have more disadvantages than benefits. They can be very harmful to health.

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