Bread With Olive Oil, A Perfect Combination

Bread with olive oil is usually the option most chosen by many people for their breakfast. It is a classic of the Mediterranean diet that has already spread throughout the world and that, without a doubt, we love it.

Now … is it really that healthy? Does it make us gain weight? Is it bad that every day we prepare this combination? The answer to all these questions is simple. You can consume bread with oil with complete peace of mind, although not on a regular basis, because it is a healthy food proposal.

Next, we reveal 5 reasons to include in your breakfast a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with a slice of bread, if possible, whole wheat.

Bread with olive oil: 5 good reasons to take it every day

Differences between olive oil and sunflower oil

If you have little time in the morning, don’t hesitate: a slice of bread with olive oil, a piece of fruit and a coffee can always be a good “life saver”.

Also, if you get hungry at noon or if when you get home you want to enjoy something healthy, you also have this suitable proposal. However, it is important to keep a few simple things in mind:

  • Always choose extra virgin olive oil. It has omega 3 fatty acids in its composition, which have been shown to be beneficial for cardiovascular health.
  • Avoid white bread or bread made with refined white flour.
  • Always look for more natural options: rye, oatmeal, seed or whole grain and whole grain bread. Thanks to their fiber intake, they are able to stimulate the feeling of satiety, according to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition .
  • It is not about consuming bread with oil at every meal. A slice once a day would be the best bet.

Next, we explain why this option or food supplement is so healthy.

1. Complete nutrition that will not make us gain weight

The bread with olive oil, in addition to being tasty, will provide us with essential nutrients for health. With a single slice you will get carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B9, as well as iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium. And no trans fat!

2. Good for your cardiovascular health

Olive oil is a natural health treasure, especially for the heart and arteries. There is evidence that it helps to modulate the lipid profile. Its monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are healthy fats that allow us to keep the so-called bad cholesterol or LDL at bay.

Also, one of the greatest benefits of combining bread with olive oil is vitamin E. It allows us to fight against atherosclerosis and regulate blood pressure.

3. Take care of your digestions and avoid constipation

Poor digestion, gas, heartburn and even constipation can be alleviated if we eat a little bread with olive oil every day.

We reduce acid secretions and, in addition, we optimize intestinal function. So much so that this tasty combination is a mild laxative worth taking for breakfast every day.

4. An antidepressant remedy

Olive oil contains polyphenols. These compounds are anti-inflammatory, provide well-being and increase endorphins. It makes us feel good because the body feels good, because it optimizes heart function and slows cell oxidation.

5. Bread with olive oil to detoxify the liver

  • If you are one of those people who find it a bit difficult to start the day with a glass of water with lemon juice, alternate it with bread with oil.
  • It will help detoxify the liver and gallbladder. Its great contribution in antioxidants and vitamin E optimizes liver function and favors its purifying action.
  • Also, if you suffer from fatty liver, a very healthy remedy is to consume a slice of bread with olive oil on an empty stomach every day.

Healthy ways to enjoy olive oil bread

Bread with olive oil and olives.

There are several ways to consume this healthy and delicious option. You can even add other accessories with which to further enhance its virtues. We give you some simple options.

Option 1

  • Bake a slice of rye or oatmeal bread.
  • Spread a clove of garlic. Next, drop a drizzle of olive oil.

Option 2

  • Have a loaf of bread.
  • Make several cuts along the length of the bar, but without cutting it.
  • Add between half olive oil, garlic and parsley.
  • Bake for a few minutes.

Option 3

  • Bake a slice of bread.
  • Spread half a tomato.
  • Add a drizzle of olive oil.

Option 4

  • Take a slice of bread.
  • Drop a drizzle of olive oil.
  • Chop some walnuts and drop them on top.
  • Sprinkle with a little white pepper.
  • Bake.

Option 5

  • Bake a slice of bread.
  • Add a little oregano, spread a little natural tomato and, finally, drop a little olive oil.

A slice of bread with oil can be a good option

Finally, remember that it will not be appropriate for you to add salt to these options. Nor that you overindulge in the consumption of bread with oil. It is best to seek moderation in this case.

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