Benefits Of Green Coconut Water In Case Of Dehydration

When a person is dehydrated, one of the drinks they usually recommend is coconut water. Yes, this is not only used to make smoothies, smoothies and various pastry recipes, but also as an adjunct complement. According to a study published in the Revista Mexicana de Pediatría in 2003, green coconut water is a natural isotonic solution that contains electrolytes, vitamins and minerals, which could be used for the treatment of acute diarrhea.

An isotonic solution has a great rehydration capacity, since it contains a minimal amount of sodium (usually in the form of glucose, sodium bicarbonate or sodium chloride) and, instead, it has minerals such as potassium. Therefore, it is a drink that would favor the absorption of water and, in turn, would help to replace the lost substances.

Note : If you suffer from diarrhea or dehydration, you should see your doctor. No one better than him will be able to decide the treatment to follow to relieve symptoms and prevent new episodes.

Composition of green coconut water

Green coconut water is obtained from fruit that has not yet ripened. It has a light color, a mild and pleasant aroma and flavor.

From a single fresh fruit, approximately 250 to 500 milliliters of coconut water can be extracted; and once extracted, it should be consumed as soon as possible, since once it is exposed to the air, it would lose many of its nutritional properties.

It is very refreshing, quenches thirst, and is generally a very pleasant drink. In coastal areas, it is frequently consumed, especially in the Caribbean.

Coconut water

According to FAO data, green coconut water is made up of 94% water, 5% fructose and glucose, around 0.02% protein and just 0.01% lipids. Additionally, it is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and manganese. It contains almost no sodium.

Keep in mind that this last mineral has been shown to be capable of increasing blood pressure, so its consumption in large quantities is not always recommended.

Similarly, there is evidence that potassium can have the opposite effect. For this reason, coconut water may be a suitable drink for some subjects with certain hypertension problems, after consulting the doctor.

For dehydration, and what else?

The combination of its mineral and sugar content (in balanced amounts) and its low acidity makes green coconut water not only suitable for human consumption, but also recommended. On the other hand, it is believed that it would contain the same amount of electrolytes as blood, therefore, it would be excellent for oral rehydration.

Some of these electrolytes are:

  • Potassium, which would help maintain good blood pressure, minimizing cardiovascular risks.
  • Magnesium, important for maintaining healthy cells, good muscle function and, in turn, preventing calcium overload.
  • Phosphorus, which plays an important role in bone health and energy transfer to body cells (helping muscles contract) and regulating nerve function.
  • Calcium, a substance well known for its importance in bone health (and that works hand in hand with phosphorus).

Although there are no conclusive data in this regard, coconut water is often used as an adjunct in the treatment of acute diarrhea in children, as well as in the treatment of gastroenteritis.

Is its daily consumption recommended?

No, it is not necessary to consume green coconut water on a daily basis. To stay well hydrated on a daily basis, it is best to drink enough water throughout the day.

Although it is true that natural isotonic drinks can help us to recover after having carried out intense physical activity or in cases of dehydration, it is best not to resort to them regularly, but sporadically. On a daily basis, water will always be the best option, given its composition. 

Commercial green coconut water contains added sugars, so consuming it too much could lead to weight gain and other complications. It is recommended to avoid these types of products and, instead, prefer their fresh version. According to a study published in the Journal of Hepatology , consuming high amounts of sugar can increase the risk of developing fatty liver.

Consuming coconut water can be healthy

Remember that in case of dehydration, you should consult with your trusted doctor to receive the appropriate treatment for your physical condition and personal needs.

Remember that coconut water can be a healthy liquid if consumed in moderate amounts and in the right context. In any case, you should not abuse the drink, much less replace water with this product.

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