Bad Luck? Discover How To Turn Negative Thoughts Into Positive

When defeatist thoughts flood our minds, it is essential to carry out a change of attitude and learn to relativize so that depression or makes an appearance

Everyone, at some point, goes through spells of bad luck in which it is almost impossible to maintain positive thoughts. Indeed,  sometimes we lose that mental strength that keeps us standing to continue fighting for our goals. And, although sometimes we try to do things right, along the way we run into obstacles and mistakes that make us feel frustrated and incapable.

Maintaining a good attitude in all situations is essential. Indeed, as difficult as it may seem, it is the only way forward. Therefore, today we want to refer a series of tips with which a more positive mentality can be achieved. Do not miss them!

Attend the mind

Paying attention to our mind is one of the first steps to end negative thoughts. In effect, internal dialogue lets us know if we are criticizing ourselves severely. It can also tell us if we are putting mental barriers such as “you will not be able to” “why do it” or “you do everything wrong”. Therefore, it is important to take control of what we think. It is essential to  recognize what is negative and find a solution for it.

Evaluating ourselves without attacking ourselves, creating new goals and being more open-minded will allow us to take a big step to overcome any obstacle.

Write the thoughts

Many have a hard time thinking clearly when negative thoughts invade the mind. In these cases, the most convenient thing is to take a notebook or sheet of paper to write what happens to us and, in this way, identify what things are doing us wrong.

This simple therapy can be a great help to release bad energy, especially when we do not want to talk to someone close.

Relativize thoughts

Asserting our thoughts, closing our minds to possibilities and taking all situations to extremes makes us fall into a serious mistake when we are doing badly. In effect, being rigid and absolutist prevents us from looking further when, perhaps, the solution is closer than we think.

Try to activate your questioning and ask yourself again, without closing your mind, why things happened and what possibilities are there to overcome them.

Let go of fears and decide

To change negative thoughts when we are going through difficult times, it is necessary to free ourselves from fears and make new decisions.

  • The new failures fit in the possibilities. However, you must always keep in mind that to be successful you must fail.

Therefore, instead of thinking about how bad can happen, we must  visualize how many good things can be achieved.

Change attitude

The mood can drop when things don’t go our way or “we’re unlucky.” This leads us to completely negative attitudes that, directly, influence our way of living, thinking and relating.

Thoughts like “how bad I feel”, “everything goes wrong”, etc., make you lose your mental strength. Also, in turn, they lead to episodes of stress, anxiety and depression.

  • What few manage to imagine is that something as simple as changing your attitude can be decisive in taking better directions.
  • Repeating every day “today I feel good”, “I will be able to do it” and the like, will promote self-confidence and give way to new possibilities.

Activate positive affirmations

positive thinking

Positive affirmations are those phrases that we can repeat out loud to combat the thoughts that prevent us from moving forward.

They are phrases full of feeling and emotion that, when pronounced, generate a feeling of conviction and truth. We can make up these phrases ourselves thinking about the goal we want to achieve. However, we can also take them from the thoughts of some authors.

They can be said every morning at the beginning of the day, just after getting up, or also at night during a relaxation therapy and deep breathing.

Ready to transform your way of thinking? If negative thoughts are taking over your life lately, put these tips into practice and overcome them so they don’t get in the way.

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