Back Care In Children

In addition to trying not to carry the backpack too much, it is also important that children maintain a correct posture when writing or using the computer so as not to strain their back

Taking care of the back in children is, perhaps, one of the aspects that must be given the most importance. Bad habits or customs from childhood that are not paid much attention can pay dearly in adulthood. We are going to talk about this below.

Backpacks and backs in children

All children have to carry backpacks at some point. Good for going to school, going on excursions or on the way to sports activities. Backpacks that can get really heavy.

And it is precisely the excess load in backpacks that is the most common cause of back pain in children. Thus, experts recommend that the weight of these is not greater than 10-15% of the child’s body weight.

This fact is joined by others that can aggravate the pain. These are aspects such as physical inactivity, inadequate school furniture or bad practice in sports. These issues, in the long run, will cause back problems in the little ones.

It is very important that we avoid any habit or activity that can cause these types of ailments. Ailments that, in addition to limiting their daily activities, increase the chances of suffering them chronically as adults.

Other causes of back pain in children

Girls sitting at the computer in bad posture

In addition to the weight they can carry, there are other factors that trigger back pain in children. One of the most harmful habits is bad posture. The little ones spend many hours sitting. They do it in class, or at home while studying or playing on the computer.

An inappropriate chair and incorrect posture can end up straining your back and causing unpleasant pain. It is advisable to teach the little ones to sit up straight and watch that they do so.

Pain can also appear when exercising improperly, when straining the back or not warming up previously. And, of course, when it comes to sedentary children, who do not do any type of exercise.

It is advisable for children to do some sports according to their age. Moderate exercise will help strengthen your back muscles and prevent problems in the longer term. Swimming is a recommended sport for this, but the specialist can help you choose another, if it is the case.

If the pain is severe and disabling, then there may be other reasons. In that case, the recommendation is to take the child to the doctor for a thorough examination.

Tips for a healthy back

Kids Exercising for Good Back Health

It is in our power to prevent back pain in children. There are a few little habits and tips that will help with the task. Tips like these:

  • Do activities during the day and avoid sitting for a long time.
  • Practice some sport regularly. It can be cycling, swimming, soccer or others.
  • Carry out the correct warm-up of the muscles before physical activity and practice stretching afterwards.
  • When sitting, maintain a proper posture, with your back upright supported by the chair and your elbows supported.
  • You will need to change positions frequently and get up every 45 to 60 minutes. If you have to study for a long time, it is better to use a lectern.
  • When using the computer, place the screen in front of your eyes at the same height as your head.
  • Carry as little weight as possible in the backpack and, if possible, use backpacks with wheels or one with wide straps that distribute the weight on both shoulders.
  • If the backpack is carried, it should be as close to the body as possible and placed between the hips or in the lumbar area. Do not carry more load than 10% of your own weight.

    Taking care of our children’s backs is easy. Simple habits and gestures can save you pain today and chronic problems in the future.

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