Are There Herbal Teas That Can Benefit The Pancreas?

To maintain a correct quality of life, we need all our organs to function like the machinery of a clock. In recent years, much has been said about the need to purify the pancreas, among other organs, to eliminate toxins. However, there is no scientific data to support this need for purification.

So, are there any herbal teas that could be beneficial for the pancreas? We tell you all about it in this article. Keep reading and if you have questions, consult your doctor.

Cleanse the pancreas: yes or no?

It is important to purify the pancreas to ensure its proper functioning

Several studies have indicated that green tea is rich in catechins, substances with an antioxidant function that would help fight free radicals and prevent premature aging and the appearance of degenerative and cardiovascular diseases and even cancer.

An article published in the journal Metabolomics suggested that its consumption could reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. This is due to a component of green tea called EGCG, which supposedly could change the metabolism of cancer cells and suppress the expression of an enzyme associated with pancreatic cancer.

While the data is inconclusive in humans, we lose nothing by drinking a cup each day. Preferably in the morning, as green tea is stimulating.

2. Infusion of plantain and licorice

Studies carried out at IMDEA-Food, Madrid, have revealed that rosemary could be used in the future as a complement to the treatment of pancreatic cancer. However, the data in this regard is inconclusive and further research is needed.

To make the infusion, just put a sprig of rosemary in water. Let it come to a boil and rest for 5 minutes. Accompany it with a little honey.

4. Infusion of milk thistle

Milk thistle helps slow the development of diabetes

You can easily find milk thistle ready to drink in natural stores and even in pharmacies. This medicinal plant contains silymarin, a flavonoid that would help repair the cells of the liver and pancreas, according to animal studies.

To prepare it, you will only have to put a tablespoon of its seeds in a cup of boiling water. Allow it to rest and drink after your meals.

If you are interested in the properties of this plant, you can always ask your doctor or pharmacist. In general, it is recommended to take a maximum of 450 mg per day. If you take it as a capsule, you can better control the amounts.

Before starting any of these infusions, we recommend consulting with your doctor. No one better than him can help you determine what is best for your body.

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