An Infusion For Every Moment Of The Day

Depending on the objectives we want to achieve, we can choose between different types of infusion, since there are even some that can help us fall asleep

The infusions can help us with digestion, sleep and oxygenation of the body. The second most popular drink in the world after water has endless benefits and is as powerful a stimulant as coffee. What many in the West ignore is that there is an infusion for every moment of the day.

Each type of tea and infusion has a specific utility that is adapted to a certain time. Waking up, improving the digestion process, burning fat and calming down are just the great benefits that infusions offer us.

An infusion for every moment of the day

Infusions depurativas to take on an empty stomach: dandelion

There are herbal drinks that we can drink from time to time on an empty stomach to cleanse our digestive system. Perhaps one of the most recommended plants for this type of natural treatment is the dandelion.

First of all, we refer to a substance that contributes to the cleaning of two fundamental organs: the liver and the kidney. In fact, it is considered that this plant is diuretic, managing to optimize the functioning of the kidneys.


In addition, it will open our appetite in the morning and provide us with essential nutrients and minerals to start the morning on the right foot. In short, it cleans and nourishes from the same cup.

Start the morning with a cup of red tea

Red tea is perhaps the best option to stimulate our nervous system. This drink has substances similar to caffeine, but unlike coffee, it will not cause teeth to stain. Therefore, it is a good option to combat drowsiness, bad mood and depression.

Added to this, this drink helps eliminate toxins found in urine. If we take it first thing in the day, we will contribute to the subsequent expulsion of waste every time we go to the bathroom.

In this sense, Rooibos is perhaps the best option within this type of tea. We can ingest it during breakfast, before leaving home or even coming home from work. Also, if we need to be awake at night, it will also be recommended.

Cup of red tea to combat drowsiness

Green tea: infusion for after eating

If there is an infusion that effectively lightens our digestive process, it is green tea. Therefore, we must regularize its intake after heavy meals, which are breakfast and lunch.

However, it is not just about feeling less heavy. Green tea has a number of healing properties: it is an antioxidant, reduces cholesterol and the risk of diabetes, prevents rheumatism and even strengthens memory.

And, obviously, it will help us lose weight. Truth be told, nutritionists recommend it to people who want to lose weight and build muscle tone in the gym. Also, a substitute option could be red tea.

Green tea has many beneficial properties for our body

Black tea: excellent for the late evening

We arrive tired from work and contaminated with a series of bacteria that can generate viruses like the flu. At work or on public transport, any contact can cause us problems, especially if we have low defenses.

In this sense, it will never hurt to have a black tea that warms us up and eliminates nascent infections that can concentrate in the throat. A hot drink like this can curb any occasional virus in the bud and save us from sick leave.

And what is black tea? Basically, most of the infusions sold in bags have to do with this type. To warm us, prevent infections and even to taste, this type of product is the most recommended.

Relaxing infusion to sleep

There is an infusion for every moment of the day and even for the night. The ideal for the final stage of the day is to relax and allow us to achieve a deep and restful sleep. Just as theine wakes us up, there are hot drinks that can relax our nervous system.

The alternatives to achieve this effect are valerian, linden, lemon balm, and passionflower. Now, with these infusions we cannot overdo it. For example, valerian in excess or in combination with other substances is not recommended and can cause excessive drowsiness.

However, given in moderation, they will allow us to control hypertension, stress, depression and problems related to lack of sleep. The effects are noticeable and the best thing is that the solution is natural.

Infusions such as valerian are ideal for relaxing and falling asleep

In short, there is an infusion for the occasion. The good news is that all these options are natural and we can access them without any inconvenience.

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