Almotriptan, An Antimigraine Drug

Almotriptan is a drug that belongs to the triptan family. It is an antimigraine drug that reduces the headache that occurs in migraines. This effect is achieved by the capacity it has to constrict blood vessels in the brain.

What is migraine?

Migraine is a type of headache that is quite common. In many cases, a migraine manifests itself with symptoms other than a headache. These symptoms include nausea, vomiting, or hypersensitivity to light and sound. Currently, more than 12% of the population is affected by migraine. 

Types of migraine

Basically, migraines can be of two types; with aura and without aura.

Migraine with aura

The aura is the set of symptoms that originate in the brain and appear at the beginning of migraines. We can say that the symptoms of the aura are the warning of the beginning of the headache.

In general, the most common is that the aura appears 10 to 15 minutes before the onset of the headache. The aura lasts for a scant hour.  Among the most characteristic symptoms of a migraine with aura, are the following:

  • Vision disturbances .
  • Temporary blindness
  • Appearance of stars or flashes, which can be colored.
  • Tingling or numbness in the mouth or extremities.
migraine with aura

Migraine without aura

In this case, the headache appears progressively, a pain begins that evolves to intense as time passes, and can last from minutes to hours.

Pain is usually most intensely experienced on one side of the head. The symptoms that accompany this type of migraine are fatigue, chills. sweating and sensitivity to light or noise. After an episode of migraine, in many cases you may experience neck pain and drowsiness. 

How does almotriptan work and what dose do I have to take?

Almotriptan works by decreasing the inflammation that accompanies a migraine. It exerts its effect by binding to the serotonin receptors present in the blood vessels of the brain. As a consequence of its action, a vasoconstriction of these vessels takes place and the dilation that occludes pain decreases or disappears. 

This medicine is indicated for the treatment of acute migraine with or without aura. Almotriptan relieves headache and other symptoms associated with migraine, such as nausea, vomiting sensitivity to light and noise.

The usual dose that doctors prescribe is one 12.5 milligram tablet. Having to take it as soon as the first symptoms appear that you can relate to the headache. You can take almotriptan with food since its effect is not altered by it.

Its effect appears after half an hour after taking it, but if after the first dose, the headache does not subside, or reappears, you can repeat another dose. However, you have to wait at least two hours from the first to repeat and do not exceed two tablets.

In general, almotriptan although it is a drug that is well tolerated, the adverse reactions that can occur while taking this drug, affect the stomach in the form of nausea and vomiting . However, in some cases you may also experience drowsiness or tiredness.

Almotriptan has few interactions, however, it is not advisable to take it together with other antimigraine drugs, as it can cause an increase in blood pressure.

woman takes almotriptan for migraine

Almotriptan side effects

This drug can produce some side effects, being the most frequent the following:

  • Dizziness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue.

This medicine can cause drowsiness and for this reason you have to be careful if you are going to drive or in case you have to perform tasks that need special attention. 

Each migraine has its peculiarities

Each person who suffers from migraines has their own peculiarities. Almotriptan is a drug that works for some, but may not work for others. The advantage it offers is the lower incidence of adverse effects compared to other antimigraine drugs.

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