All The Contributions Of Algae To Healthy Eating

Algae are one of the oldest natural foods on the planet. Although today it is not very common to consume them, ancient civilizations did. An example is the Aztecs, who in the fourteenth century were already consuming spirulina.

When we talk about vegetables, most immediately think of those from the ground. However, there are also those found in the sea: algae. This time we will talk to you about the contributions of algae in healthy eating. We are sure that you will love learning more about these vegetables.

The first thing you should know is that they are one of the oldest natural foods on the planet . Although today it is not very common to consume them, ancient civilizations did. An example is the Aztecs, who in the fourteenth century already consumed spirulina .

Over the years, this custom was lost until recent years. Read on and find out more about these amazing foods.

Seaweed helps you lose weight

Algae in food are common.

The first of the contributions of algae in healthy eating is that they will help you lose those extra kilos that bother you so much, as the latest scientific articles affirm. The algae that have the best effect in this regard are those of dark color thanks to the fucoxanthin they provide. 

Fucoxanthin is a kind of carotenoid and the natural pigment in algae. T has a fat-burning effect that promotes weight loss when included in a healthy diet . This chemical has been shown to help control triglyceride levels, blood pressure, and accumulated fat in the liver.

Our recommendation is that at least once a week you include dark algae in your diet. You can use them as a base for salads and consume it more and more.

They help fight cancer

Do you have a history of cancer in your family? Are you afraid that this disease will come into your life? Although you can never guarantee that you are completely safe, there are foods that can reduce your risk. This is precisely one of the contributions of algae in healthy eating.

Several studies have been carried out that strengthen this idea. The first of them investigated the effects of spirulina in people with oral cancer. The trial lasted 12 months and at term a considerable reduction in symptoms was found.

Spirulina is one of the most commercialized algae because it provides proteins and vitamins of group B. When purchasing them, check that they are good quality algae. Because they are so commercial, specialized farms have sprung up in their production.

Improve heart health

Another contribution of algae in healthy eating is its ability to protect cardiovascular health and to reduce the incidence of fatty liver. If you are suffering from either of the two problems or if you eat an unhealthy diet, pay close attention.

Blue algae have been shown to improve lipid profile, prevent inflammation, and decrease oxidative stress . This results in a liver that is more resistant to the effects of harmful elements, such as alcohol or fat. They also reduce the risk of your heart having trouble working properly.

In parallel, research has been published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology that ensures that brown algae have the ability to reduce cardiovascular risk. This property is developed thanks to the presence of phytochemical compounds with antioxidant character in them.

Reduce inflammation and pain

Are you dealing with pain and inflammation caused by metabolic diseases? In this case, you will be delighted to know that Laurencia obtusa , a red algae, is capable of helping ar educe  the effects of inflammation. It was also shown that This type of seaweed has a fairly powerful analgesic effect.

All you need is to eat about 50 milligrams per kilo of weight. To cover with this portion, we recommend consuming this variety of seaweed several times a week. Another class of seaweed that has an anti-inflammatory effect is Pyropia yezoensis . It has high amounts of active peptides that protect against inflammation.

Seaweed in food can be popular.

The best types of algae in your diet that you can consume

There is a wide variety of vegetables from the sea that you can include in your diet. In particular, try to consume the following types regularly:

  • Spirulina. It provides the 34% protein you require per day and 200 micrograms of vitamin B12 in just 100 grams of seaweed. It is the most common, so it will be easy for you to get it.
  • Chlorella . This is an algae rich in chlorophyll that facilitates the cleaning of the organs . It’s perfect for a detox regimen without starving yourself or over-dieting. In addition, it is rich in beta carotenes, selenium , vitamin B12, C and E.

Include algae in your diet to benefit from its properties

As you have seen, algae are essential sources of phytochemicals for the proper functioning of the body. Including them in the usual diet reduces the risk of developing complex pathologies in the medium and long term.

Although they are still not very common in the gastronomy of many cultures, try to start consuming them gradually.

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