After Reading This, You Will Never See Bananas With The Same Eyes Again

Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits in the world, as its delicious flavor and its many properties have made it worthy of being part of the diet of most people.

This fruit is characterized by being rich in carbohydrates, which makes it one of the greatest sources of vegetable energy. It is made up of three types of sugars (fructose, sucrose, and glucose), which are offset by their minimal fat content and high fiber content, which is what helps regulate its absorption.

The consumption of bananas is recommended especially in the children’s diet, which, on many occasions, requires a food that helps to satisfy hunger quickly. In addition, it is recommended for athletes, who need energy to improve their performance.

However, in addition to these benefits, there are many other reasons to start including more bananas in your diet and do it without any fear.

What are the properties of banana?

Among others, the following properties can be highlighted :

  • It has vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, B9 (folic acid) and E.
  • They are rich in fiber.
  • It has minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, zinc, and iron.
  • Contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid.
  • It has carbohydrates, simple and complex.
  • It does not contain fat and only provides 105 calories.

What are the benefits of consuming bananas?

Although many still ignore it, the banana is a very healthy food that provides great benefits to health, both physical and mental. We invite you to know its main benefits, so that you do not hesitate to eat them when you prefer.

Can fight depression

In a recent survey it was determined that people suffering from depression feel better when they consume bananas.  Experts consider that tryptophan would be responsible, since in the body it is converted into serotonin. Therefore, the next time you feel depression or any symptoms of PMS, do not hesitate to consume a banana to calm down.

Likewise, there is recent research carried out with mice that shows this antidepressant activity.

Good for the digestive system

Consuming bananas could help prevent gastric ulcers and can protect the intestinal lining. Its protective power has been proven to help fight gastritis or prevent stomach ulcers. The banana can help to overcome heartburn, in addition, it helps to carry out a good digestion and to absorb the nutrients of the food in the proper way as it is a digestible carbohydrate, according to this research.

Banana skin for teeth whitening.

Fight anemia

People suffering from anemia should include more bananas in their diet to recover. Banana provides a significant amount of iron,  which is why it helps the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, thus helping to fight anemia.

Lowers high blood pressure

Banana is very good for reducing high blood pressure as it is very low in sodium and very rich in potassium. It takes care of cardiovascular health and can reduce the risk of heart attacks, thanks to its potassium content, according to various studies. Regular consumption of this fruit can reduce the risks of having a cardiovascular accident.

Good for the brain

Numerous studies have shown that banana has a very positive effect on the brain, in fact, in an investigation it was shown that students who eat banana in the morning have better concentration throughout the day.


Because it is very rich in fiber, the banana is recommended for those who suffer from constipation, since it stimulates bowel movements  without the need to use laxatives.


Because of its vitamin B content, bananas are very good for calming the nervous system, especially in those moments of stress or anguish. If you are going through a similar moment, do not hesitate to eat bananas as a snack.

Ideal for healthy skin

Banana is an excellent food to care for and preserve the health of our skin. This food is ideal for reducing wrinkles and skin infections, restoring the skin and giving it a unique softness.

Both its peel and its pulp can be used to prevent and combat the appearance of early wrinkles. Banana has moisturizing and emollient effects on the skin of the face, thus helping to combat bags around the eyes and wrinkles.

Because of its potassium content, banana can help reduce acne, rashes and dry skin. This is because potassium helps stabilize fluid levels and fight infection.

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