Acute And Chronic Pyelonephritis : Symptoms And Treatment

Pyelonephritis is a disease that consists of an infection of the upper urinary tract. It affects the kidney and causes various discomforts to the patient.

As a general rule, the term pyelonephritis is used to refer to a disorder that affects the upper urinary tract. In this way, an infection occurs in this region that normally reaches the pelvis and the renal parenchyma.

In addition, it usually begins to develop in the urethra or bladder and later spreads to the kidneys. On the other hand, lower urinary tract infections tend to occur more frequently than this class of disorders.

In many medical problems we can apply a classification criterion based on their duration. Pyelonephritis can develop suddenly and in a short period of time. However, the infection can persist over time, making its treatment and quality of life difficult for the patient.

In any case, it will be the doctor who must identify the most characteristic symptoms of this problem. In this way, by checking the circumstances of the patient and the disorder itself, the most appropriate treatment can be chosen in each case.

What Causes Pyelonephritis?

Being an infection, it has its origin in the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, most clinical cases are related to an infection of bacterial origin.

On the other hand, it can also be caused by the presence of microorganisms resistant to certain types of drugs or other species less frequently.

What are its most common symptoms?

Man with pyelonephritis pain

Normally, when a patient develops some type of change or medical problem, they experience certain symptoms. Analysis of these signals will guide the team of experts to correctly identify the cause of the disorder. In any case, among the most frequent symptoms of pyelonephritis we can find :

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache or  severe headache.
  • Fever that can vary in intensity.
  • Chills or tremors in different areas of the body.
  • Loss of appetite. It refers to the decrease in appetite that can cause the reduction of body weight in a short period of time (without intending to).
  • Strong discomfort in the lower back that can spread to other regions such as the abdomen and even the groin.
  • Burning and discomfort when urinating. In addition, a smaller amount of urine is expelled than in normal conditions. The patient may also feel that they have not completed urination or the urgent need to go to the service.
  • Alterations in the characteristics of urine. For example, it has a different amount of blood, pus, a different hue and smell, etc.

What is the proper treatment to correct pyelonephritis?

Woman with pyelonephritis

Currently, specialists usually carry out a series of medical tests in order to identify the trigger. Among them, the symptoms that the patient has developed will be reviewed.

In any case, the most appropriate treatment options will be planned according to each patient and clinical case. Thus, among the guidelines or recommendations within the treatment of pyelonephritis we can highlight:

  • Antibiotics. In this way, the bacteria that are causing these alterations are attacked. In more complicated cases, the subject may be hospitalized to ensure recovery. It is necessary when an aggravation of the disease appears, if the oral route cannot be used …
  • Rest or temporary reduction in vigorous physical activity.
  • Use of other types of drugs in order to solve the related symptoms. This is the case of intense fever and frequent nausea.
  • Consumption of a balanced and healthy diet that contains the appropriate amount of fluids.

    It is important to follow recommended guidelines and treatments to speed recovery. In this way, in addition, possible derived complications are avoided, although this is not achieved in all clinical cases.

    In any case, we hope we have resolved some doubts on the subject. But in the face of any symptoms or suspicions of suffering from pyelonephritis, both acute and chronic, it is essential to see a doctor immediately for a check-up.

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