Is It True That Breastfeeding Helps You Lose Weight?

Losing weight after pregnancy is one of the biggest concerns that women have. Recovering the figure you had before can become an obsession, so knowing that breastfeeding helps you lose weight is a really interesting fact.

Some women try not to eat too much during the gestation period, which can lead to deficiencies of nutrients vital for the development of the fetus and for the health of the future mother. However, being overweight during and after pregnancy is also a product of the hormonal, emotional and physical changes typical of this special stage.

How many kilos are considered overweight?

Healthy weight

If what you gained does not exceed 7 kilos, you should not worry, since the body will adapt to the daily routine. It is very likely that in the first semester after delivery you will regain your figure. However, if you gained more than 7 kilos during pregnancy, it is recommended that you modify some aspects.

How to get rid of those extra pounds?

An exercise routine helps burn calories. Therefore, after childbirth, the ideal is to start following a daily routine of physical activity, with exercises that can be practiced gradually and without exposing health. Your doctor can advise you on choosing the best options.

On the other hand, reducing the intake of certain foods rich in carbohydrates is another way to lose weight. Processed and refined foods should be avoided as much as possible. Instead, eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.

However, we have better news: breastfeeding is not only essential for the proper development of your baby, but it is also a very efficient way to discharge the extra energy from your body  instead of storing it as fat.

Breastfeeding is a process in which a large amount of energy is invested, around 500 calories a day. As a point of comparison, we could refer that jumping rope consumes about 510 calories. Obviously, it all depends on the intensity with which each exercise is done.

In this sense, there are no intensities when breastfeeding, so being able to  lose weight while nurturing your baby is doubly satisfactory .

Breastfeeding helps you lose weight: myth or reality?

Mother breastfeeding her child because breastfeeding helps to lose weight.

As this information from the Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) points out, breastfeeding involves extra energy expenditure, which is why it helps to lose weight in the sense that it favors the recovery of the weight that is had before getting pregnant. Roughly, breastfeeding is calculated  to burn an average of 500 calories per day.

Likewise, the World Health Organization (WHO) points out that breastfeeding helps prevent breast cancer and some heart problems. It is important to note that you must consult a nutritionist, as it is advisable to maintain the amount of nutrients necessary for the body.

Breastfeeding certainly  helps you lose weight, but it is a fairly slow process. Therefore, it is advisable to eat a balanced diet; eat protein from chicken or turkey breast, beef, and chickpeas.

Also, increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as moderate the consumption of pasta, flour and carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods, rich in sugars or with excess preservatives.

How does breastfeeding influence the growth of the baby?

The Breastfeeding Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics also published a few years ago the results of years of research on the effects of breastfeeding during the first six months of life. This study determined that children breastfed for more than six months developed a higher cognitive level.

Breastfeeding is linked to greater intellectual and motor development, as well as language and memory skills. Breast milk contains bioactive substances, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential for brain development. Therefore, it is associated with the development of the central nervous system.

It also  acts as a protective agent against childhood obesity,  making the difference between breastfed babies and those who took formula milk.

General considerations on the fact that breastfeeding helps you lose weight

When you breastfeed your baby, the stimulation of the nipple influences the secretion of oxytocin, a hormone that produces contractions that help the uterus to regain its original size and for your body to restore its figure.

Nor do you have to infer that by breastfeeding you can overindulge in sweets, fats and other hypercaloric foods. Do moderate exercises between each feeding of the baby. They will help you lose weight, tone and improve circulation and thus avoid fluid retention.

While you are lying down, raise your legs a little and draw small circles with the balls of your feet. You can do rounds of 10, first to the right and then to the left.

A variant of the previous exercise is to exert tension by placing the balls of the feet up and down. Hold each position for 5 seconds and relax by alternating each leg.

However, and ultimately, it  is essential that you get enough rest and recharge the necessary energy for the postpartum routine. So, in case you have any questions about it, ask your specialist about these recommendations.

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