Craving, The Desire To Use

Most people who smoke experience the craving or constant desire to use tobacco afterwards. However, this problem goes further. What should you know about it?

The craving is a relatively recent concept, which refers to the intense and almost unstoppable desire to use a substance (drug) or abandon abstinence to that substance.

The first time this concept was used was around the 1940s. At that time, it was defined as a very strong urge to use opiates, such as heroin or morphine, during withdrawal.

However, today, it still seems to be difficult to define concretely this situation. What it does is clear is that the craving is a fundamental aspect of drug addiction, which is closely related to relapse before it.

Unfortunately, there are many drugs that can cause craving to appear. Although people do not know it, it is very typical of alcohol consumers or smokers. Therefore, in this article we explain everything you need to know about this problem.

What is craving?

As we have already mentioned, craving is the overwhelming desire to take a substance. This desire is an unstoppable impulse that “takes over” in a way of the person. However, it is not the same as withdrawal syndrome.

The withdrawal syndrome comprises a set of symptoms, both physical and psychological, that appear after stopping taking a substance to which one is addicted (a drug). It is common in people who are alcoholics or addicted to drugs such as heroin.

However, to differentiate them, it must be understood that craving can appear even after overcoming the withdrawal syndrome. This is because that desire to take the drug again remains, even for months or years afterward.

The craving is associated with many different types of substances. It ranges from the desire to smoke or drink alcohol, to the fact of wanting to use cocaine or strong opioids such as heroin again.

It is necessary to be aware of this fact: something that we have as socially accepted as tobacco, can condition us for life. It is an addiction just as severe and harmful as the rest.

Craving in adolescent

Are there different types of craving?

There are scientists who claim that there are two different types of craving . In the first place there is the physical, which occurs almost in parallel with the withdrawal syndrome. Like this, it is accompanied by physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeats, cold sweats, and even seizures.

That is, this first type is a desire to use the drug again, motivated by the strong symptoms experienced during withdrawal. It is usually the most complex to face and handle.

On the other hand, there is the psychological craving . It is the one that appears later, once the acute withdrawal syndrome has been overcome. It occurs when you have not consumed for a long time, be it months or years.

How can craving be treated?

At the end of the day, we must be clear that both addiction and withdrawal or craving are situations that can be treated and improved. To do this, the ideal is to always turn to a specialist, a psychologist to help us manage it or even support groups.

The craving one of the aspects that influence relapse of people who have been addicted to something. In the same way, it is the factor that usually causes the addiction to continue. Therefore, it is important to know it well and handle it.

The idea is to try to avoid the situations that are associated with the consumption pattern of that substance. That is, trying to stay away from that situation that the person relates to the fact of acquiring the drug. For example, if it is an alcoholic, the ideal is to reduce nights out or visits to bars.

In addition, it is important to give that person tools to control that automatic behavior of using the drug. This is also influenced by the psychological or emotional situation, since in moments of weakness or sadness it is always easier to relapse.

Even therapies focus a lot on teaching these people to manage stress or self-esteem. Similarly, another effective way to control it is usually to focus attention on other activities, such as exercise.

In conclusion

The craving is irrational and that craving for a drug or substance to which they are addicted. It is important to know that it does not appear only before drugs such as heroin, but that tobacco or alcohol can cause it.

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