6 Eating Habits That Fight Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome is defined as intense and continuous tiredness. The basis of treatment is a proper diet, we must prioritize foods that increase defenses. We tell you what foods you should include and which ones you should avoid.

Do you feel tired all the time? You may have chronic fatigue syndrome.  One of the culprits for the appearance of this problem is a poor diet. But the opposite also happens, there are customs that fight chronic fatigue.

It’s no secret that food makes your body work by what you eat, defines how you feel and how you look.  Chronic fatigue is what makes you crave a cup of coffee at the precise moment you wake up. The problem is that this is not enough, because you are without energy all the time.

It is a complex disorder that cannot be attributed to any disease. And it gets worse as you go about your daily activities.  But you don’t have to deal with its effects forever. With some changes in the diet you will be able to obtain the energy you need. We tell you.

1. Hydration, one of the habits that fight chronic fatigue

Woman drinking water

By drinking water you don’t just fight chronic fatigue. Also you facilitate the distribution of essential molecules and other elements throughout the body.

This includes the elimination of toxins and waste that can affect your internal organs and the initiation of metabolic processes. It’s no secret that staying dehydrated makes you feel tired.

2. Keep a food and emotion diary

Another of the tricks that fight chronic fatigue is to keep a detailed record of the things you eat and drink. Also you must record your mood at different times.

  • Check if the food you eat can create alterations that explain the lack of energy. For example, sugar can trigger an energy spike, but then it will make you feel lethargic. Instead, agave honey energizes you without causing chronic fatigue.
  • You will understand what foods make you feel good or bad emotionally. Have you heard that chocolate helps your body release endorphins and make you happier? Actually, there are several foods that affect your mood and it is important to classify according to the emotions they generate in you.

    To facilitate the task, the emotion diary is vital.  By keeping this record, you may discover that your fatigue is a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome.

    3. Do not eliminate foods from your diet without supervision

    Female doctor recommending foods that fight chronic fatigue

    We understand that dealing with chronic fatigue is annoying, but don’t try to combat it by eliminating food groups. It is recommended that in the company of a nutrition expert you review the food and emotions diary.

    Then, between the two of you, you must create an eating plan that allows you to verify if a food causes problems. This way you reduce the chances of presenting some type of nutritional deficiency.  Think that all the food groups bring you a specific benefit .

    4. Give yourself the opportunity to experiment in your diet

    Try foods that you don’t eat on a regular basis, but are known to increase energy. Some combinations of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats will work to combat fatigue.

    The problem is that each body reacts differently to combinations , so there is no standard diet . Also try to try foods you have never eaten before. You may find it hard to enjoy its flavor at first, but take time to know its texture.

    5. Eat small portions more often

    Shrimp Salad

    This will help you boost your energy when you feel too tired or hungry. Stopping eating will cause you to gain weight, which will become a vicious cycle with fatigue.

    To avoid this, eat something every three to four hours. You can mix a fruit with a protein and a fat to make sure you get enough nutrients. Some ideas are:

    • 30 grams of cheese + 5 walnuts + 1 apple
    • 2 slices of turkey ham + 10 almonds + 3 guavas
    • Roast chicken + 3 tablespoons sunflower seeds + ½ cup blueberries
    • 1 cup of yogurt + 5 nuts + 6 strawberries

    Not only do they fight chronic fatigue and help you maintain energy, these  are simple options to prepare, inexpensive and easy to take with you. What more can you ask?

    6. Avoid irritating foods

    At the beginning we talked about the need for a cup of coffee. Although it gives you the feeling of energy, it is something temporary that will drain you later. You must avoid certain foods :

    • The coffee to It adds stress to your nervous system and creates energy spikes that make chronic fatigue worse after two to three hours. Instead, try aloe vera juice, green tea, or peppermint tea.
      • Junk food satiates your hunger, but You will increase your blood glucose levels and feel tired in a few minutes . Also, in a couple of hours you will feel hungry again. It is better to opt for fresh and freshly prepared foods such as fruits, salads or smoothies.

      We are sure that with these habits that fight chronic fatigue you will feel much better prepared to carry out all your daily activities. Remember that the better you eat, the better you will feel.

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