6 Effective Ways To Control The Hormones That Make You Gain Weight

Just as there are foods that can make us gain weight, to avoid it and keep hormones stabilized we can follow a series of guidelines that will help us gain in health.

For a long time specialists advised that the best way to lose weight was to eat less and exercise more.  Today, most researchers find that this advice is too simple to address the complicated problem of those who tend to gain weight easily.

Hormones and genetics play a role in weight problems Although you cannot do anything with the genes you were born with, you can influence through your diet the levels of the hormones that affect overweight and obesity. How is it possible? 

Ways to control the hormones that make you gain weight

Although overlooked by many, weight is largely controlled by hormones. Research shows that hormones affect the regulation of appetite and the amount of stored fat. So, to avoid gaining weight, you have to try to have a hormonal balance.

1. Try to be high in fiber and low in sugar

The insulin It is one of the most linked hormones when it comes to gaining weight, because it stimulates cells to take in sugar and store it in the body as fat. This can become a vicious cycle: as you gain weight, your body requires more insulin to reduce sugar in your cells . These, in turn, make you gain weight.

If your diet is low in sugar and high in fiber, you will have less trouble controlling insulin levels naturally.  This is because fiber breaks down slowly in the body and helps you avoid drastic spikes in blood sugar.

Fiber also helps improve digestion and keep you full longer, making it easier for you to lose weight. You can find it in healthy foods like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds. 

2. Eat protein throughout the day

Protein is important because it helps regulate a hormone called ghrelin, according to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition . You may not have heard of it, but it is very important when it comes to gaining weight, as it is the so-called “hunger hormone.”

High levels of this hormone will cause your brain to tell you “feed me now!” When it really isn’t necessary. However, protein helps suppress this hormone and turn off the false signals it sends out.

It doesn’t have to be of animal origin like meat, eggs or dairy. Nuts, seeds, and legumes such as beans, lentils, or peas are another protein alternative you can go for.

3. Choose your dairy wisely

Dairy foods.

Unless you are intolerant of lactose , dairy products as such are not bad for you. However, you should choose them wisely.   Many dairy companies use artificial growth hormones in their cows for many years to stimulate increased milk and meat production.

These hormones were not designed for humans, so they may be very closely related to gaining weight.  Always choose organic or labeled “hormone-free” dairy. In this way you can enjoy them without worrying about the effects they may have on your weight in the long term.

4. Be careful with pimples

Gluten-free grains and seeds, especially whole grains, aren’t necessarily bad for everyone. However, when you have problems with thyroid hormone, it is a good idea to significantly reduce its consumption. Several studies have shown that a diet rich in gluten tends to have hormone-slowing effects to a greater degree .

The hormones Thyroids play an important role when you want to avoid weight gain, as they help regulate your metabolism.  The lower your thyroid levels, the  slower your metabolism will be and the more difficult it will be for you to lose weight.

5. Avoid soy products

Soy and its derivatives

Soy can be a tricky product. While it is low in fat, low in calories, and rich in plant protein, it also contains chemicals called phytoestrogens.  These can block the actual estrogen in your body. When your estrogen levels are stable, those of a hormone called leptin are also optimized.

Leptin is important in terms of weight, since it regulates the feeling of satiety. When the leptin in your body is at a normal level, you feel satisfied when you eat what you should.   For this reason, it is best to avoid soy when your intention is to lose weight.

6. Cut your caffeine intake

The coffee or tea contains antioxidants beneficial to health. However, when it comes to avoiding weight gain, you may want to consider cutting back on sugary drinks.

Caffeine can stimulate hormone production that modulates fat oxidation. However, be careful when adding sugar to these kinds of liquids, as it would be counterproductive.

etra flavored coffee

Hormones affect weight gain

Hormones play a vital role when it comes to gaining weight.   If you know how to keep them under control and use them for your own benefit, it will be easier for you to achieve your weight loss goals.

Remember that if you want to make an important change in your diet or eating habits, it is better that you consult with your trusted doctor or nutritionist.

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